Interview with: selenaax

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Name of Book

Mated To The European Alpha, Oh Boy.

Genre of Book


How did you discover Wattpad?

That's a tough question. I really don't remember how I found wattpad. I want to say I started on Quizilla, went to Fictionpress, went to Mibba, and then stumbled upon Wattpad.

How did your interest for writing originate?

I've always had a love for reading, never denied an opportunity to read a good book. Whether it’s historical, supernatural, or just a sappy romance, I’ve always loved it. But, I really think I've always had an interest in writing. I just fell in love with the idea of basically shaping your own world and being in control of what people say and do. It's always been my little secret.

What was the inspiration for your story?

I really want to say it was one of the few stories on here about a foreign Alpha. The author who made Seduced By An Italian Alpha gave me the idea.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

I've always loved the werewolf stories, especially when they involved mates. I was thinking one day, 'hey, how can I make this story stand out from the rest?' and then it came to me. What girl doesn't like a man with a sexy accent? Especially if they're the one you're supposed to be with. You don't see many stories involving foreign Alphas, it's usually all about the stereotypical Alpha. American, usually a jerk, overly dominant, a man whore, all that extra stuff. I really just twisted and turned the idea into my own.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

No, I actually did not. I find this funny because just yesterday, I finally decided what I would do in the story. It's a complete 360 from how I originally planned to do it. I just had to change it because it was too.....cliché and nobody likes an overly cliché book.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

Most people would say the main character, but it's not the female version. It has to be between Valentino, the Alpha in the story. Valentino is just a depiction of my dream guy. He has the whole tall, dark and handsome thing going on but he's not the typical guy. He's protective of what's his, but he doesn't really overdo it. He's perfectly balanced with his traits.

Are your characters based on real life people?

Uhm, they're not all the way based on real life people but they do have some traits extracted from people I know. Nikki has my personality in some ways while Natalie has my mental traits. Do you get what I mean? Natalie thinks the way I think while Nikki acts the way I would act.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

This is tough! It'd have to be, Stuck In The Middle, because that's really how I am. I really have two different types of personalities and it's such a tough thing. One minute I can be all happy and outgoing, the life of the party really. The next minute, I can be too shy and just view from the sidelines. It's horrible because it can stop me from doing and enjoying so many things.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

You may think you know what's going on, you may think you can place the pieces together...but in all actuality, you don't. This story will have you thinking "I know what's going on!" one moment and the next, it'll have you like "What?"

Have you ever had a writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

Yes, I think all writers’ experience this. I really can't write as much as I'd like now that school and work is overpowering me, but when I do have time to write...I can't. It's due to the fact that I don't have time to really think about what I can write about next. The way I overcome it is I just think and think about what I can write about. Once I think that it's been too long since I've updated, I'll spend days and days afterwards wondering about the next chapter. But, I'll usually get an idea when I'm at school or work. So, what I would do is that I would write it down somewhere so I wouldn't forget!

Anything extra you would like to add?

Keep reading this story. The ending will have you hanging on the edge. It's the kind of ending that you'll be yelling at yourself because it was so obvious, but you never thought twice about it

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