Interview with bringerofdoom

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Name of Book:

The change

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, vampire, romance it’s really a bunch of genres

How did you discover wattpad?

I was bored and started to look for books to read online and found Wattpad.

How did your interest in writing originate?

Well actually, in primary I had speaking problems and learning difficulties but when I got in year 4 I changed support teachers.  My new support teacher had a different way of doing things and noticed that I had a wild imagination so she got me to write short stories. I was really bad at first and only did half a page for a full story but then I got better and ever since I have loved writing.

What was the inspiration for your story?

My inspiration was when I fell asleep listening to music and I just came up with some ideas for the start of a story. I have always been interested in vampires and werewolves and notice that in most stories they start out as enemies.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

I came up with the idea that sometimes your friends with people when you know it would be easier to stay away from them. So my characters are best friends but one is a vampire while the other is a werewolf, I put my own twist on the story of how vampires and werewolves are created and why they hate each other. Of course there friendship is going to become complicated, when something bad happens to Emma that causes her to lose herself and that they are both being hunted down because each race is trying to kill of the females.

Did you stick to your original story plot or changed it?

I think I have changed it slightly in each chapter but the ideas have stayed the same

Who is your favourite character from your story?

Raven, she’s the one who is more funny and sarcastic but also the one with the most to lose. Ravens character is also interesting her past is going to explode in her face and she is the one I think most people will be able to relate to.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Well Emmaline is going to be cursed so she goes insane and tries to kill Raven but Raven is the one who has to save her. I have used names in the book about the history of vampires and werewolves that are alternative names to some character.

Have you ever had writers block? How do/did you overcome it?

I have had writers block before.

I had writers block for over a year but I think it was mainly because a lot happened that year, I got threatened with a knife, attacked on a park and found out my Auntie had cancer. So I wasn’t in a writing mood.

Usually when I have writers block I listen to music and read some books or movies. Although I also took history as an option one because I was good at it and two because I was working up to a war but didn’t know what to include.

Are your characters based on real life people?

Admittedly, yes.

Katie is based on one of my ex-best friends who kept betraying me. One of the future chapters is going to be about Ravens past. Where Katie and Raven fell out but then Raven forgave her although Katie has betrayed her before. Raven and Katie are at a park when something happens to Raven and Katie runs of and abandons her to be attacked (Sorry I can’t give too much away).

Now that I think about it Emmaline is a mix between two people my twins personality (girly girl) and my friend who helped me out a lot when I was feeling depressed she really saved me. So background to her friendship with Raven is more like my friends and personality my twin (who thankfully is the complete opposite of me.)

Who inspired you/Favourite authors published and Wattpad?

On Wattpad I have to say NotToday and her story The girl is mine because it was the first story I ever read on Wattpad though I could name a few others.

Actual authors Rachel Caine, Christine Johnson and Darren shan

Interview With Werewolf AuthorsWhere stories live. Discover now