interview with: TheAnonymousGal

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Name of book?

Approaching Battle

Genre of book?


How did you discover wattpad?

I was trying to find a good website to read books and I stumbled upon wattpad by chance but I'm really glad I did.

How did your interest in writing originate?

Since I was seven years old, I always loved writing short essays for school and as I grew older I felt like I shouldn't hide my imagination and so I started writing my own books.

What was the inspiration for your story?

I was listening to some music one day and I started day dreaming a bit and for some reason my mind came up with the idea. So I guess a little bit of imagination and music go a long way.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

Like I said it was more like a day dream and I just expanded it from there, adding ideas, characters, fixing the plot and also I took some ideas from an old book of mine and changed it around.

Did you stick to your original story plot or changed it?

I don't really plan ahead, I just have the basic plot written down and then write each chapter as it comes to me.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

Well I'm not quite sure yet but for now it would have to be the main character, Emma.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

The Road Ahead

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Well there isn't much to say actually. I'm just like any other teenager, hanging out with friends and family and all that. I try to update every week or so.

Have you ever had writers block? How do/did you overcome it?

Ofcourse, I've had it several times. I either stop writing for a while and distract myself or I force myself to write even more. 

Are your characters based on real life people?

Most of my characters are based off either my friends or family, Whether personality wise or how they act, it depends.

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