Interview with: Sepherene

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 Name of Book:

 The Fox and the Wolf

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, teen fiction, a little science fiction and romance in there as well.

How did you discover Wattpad?

Through a friend. She would always read books on here. One night I thought to myself, how will I ever improve as a writer if I keep my stories to myself? It took me a few days until I had enough courage to push the ‘Join Now!’ button though.

How did your interest for writing originate?

I always loved to write when I was little and enjoyed reading a lot. I decided to seriously get into it when I read a certain book from an amazing author.

What was the inspiration for your story?

I had many inspirations for it, actually. Books, movies, people...the story has a little bit of everything in it.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

I watched a documentary once about a teen boy who would mix dangerous types of drugs together. The thing is, they never asked the boy how he felt about it or why he did the things he did. So the thought dawned on me; why don’t I write about a boy who struggles with this and this time, he can voice his opinion? With that and mixed with my love of wolves, The Fox and the Wolf was born.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

It still has the original plot, but there have been a few changes to it.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

Rainbow ‘Rainy’ Doherty. He’s the leading male of the story and the most complex character I’ve ever created. His mindset is so messed up that even I, the author, have a hard time understanding it. He’s quite unpredictable as well and causes most of the trouble that occurs in the novel.

Are your characters based on real life people?

No, they’re not. Each of my characters has a little bit of me in them; things that I want to voice out but never have the courage to. Of course, I don’t do drugs or shift into a raging wolf, but I do get depressed at times and hate the world like Rainy does, I’m witty like Lacie, and I’m too soft hearted and mellow like Asher.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

Mice and Marionettes.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Hm...a few people have to die in the end. I won’t tell you who, but people are going to be leaving early. Sorry!

Have you ever had a writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

I rarely have writers block since I write out the whole plot before I get started. It’s almost like a timeline type of thing (it doesn’t help with my pacing, though. I can’t pace chapters for beans). If I do get writers block, I take a break, listen to music, and try to analyze what had occurred previously and what should occur later on.

Anything extra you would like to add?

Um, hi.

Interview With Werewolf AuthorsWhere stories live. Discover now