Interview with : Peggychan15

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Name of Book: Fallen

Genre of Book: werewolf Romance Mystery 

How did you discover wattpad: That's actually a weird story...Well..i was browsing trying to find a nice picture of twilight (I was a fan then) and I found a pretty good one and I saw that the website was saying: ''after Breaking dawn, life of Renesmee cullen'' and since I wanted so bad to learn the continue...I clicked and visited the website! Then I became a member and started writing my story e.t.c

 How did your interest for writing originate?: i've always had a crazy imagination inspired by everyday life...

 What was the inspiration for your story?: Another crazy story...well...To be honest I had written and finished another werewolf story (not in wattpad) and suddenly I was at the park with my dog and a friend and I suddenly had this idea...

 Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?: I had changed the original plot A LOT! I added more stuff and cut other stuff....I just have a main idea and then I simply 'edit it' 

 Who is your favorite character from your story? Whoaaa.....I actually love them all but besides the two main characters (Amber and Derek) I love Ashley and Johnny....I actually love Ashley's personality; she's sweet, bubbly, cheerful and ful of energy let's also say that Ashley is one of the character's that readers love most. Johnny is another funny character; he's not like Tyler....he's more romantic and artistic but he's a guy so he has the main personality of a typical dude, he's also very funny, full of sarcasm and always in a mood to punch Tyler.

 Are your characters based on real life people?: Yeah...only Ashley....By that I don't mean that the real people have these crazy lives! Only their personality is based on real life people...This character is actually based on my two true best friends...

 If your life was a book what would be the title? : I never thought of it....I think that....''The inner demon'' would fit perfectly!

 Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know? Hmmm....Well as you all know Fallen has a sequel! And also to the readers : ''Fallen'' is a book with mystery in it. I know that it LOOKS boring, predictable or simple but let me tell you that: IT'S NOT! the plot is deeper than you think and i dseuggest you not to miss any chapter.... 

 Have you ever had a writer’s block? Of course!

 How do/did you overcome it? Well....My best friend always helps me (mericherry, my psycho zombie princess ). She just help me giving me ideas and we search for pictures that match to the story or we simply talk about the story line and see what matches best.. But besides that i listen to music (music is my inspiration) and it sometimes helps me.

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