Interview with: Sophie_Valerie

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Sophie Valerie

Name of Book:

I’ll Take This Pain

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, Romance, Teen Fiction, Rejection

How did you discover wattpad?     

I was online on Movella then suddenly I came across the story ‘The Way He’s Not’ by XxBeautifulFighterxX that was copied and pasted there but the copyrights were still to her. It said read more on Wattpad then I went and read it. After reading, I fell in love with Wattpad and became obsessed! It was also the first book I read on Wattpad. :p

How did your interest for writing originate?

I actually started with a fan fiction then slowly I ventured out of the fan fiction phase and started writing real stories.

What was the inspiration for your story?

Mostly the struggles in life and my grandpa who was an awesome poet, my aunt who just finished a kpop fan fiction and my grandma who use to read me princess stories every night before sleep which was written by her.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

I am in love with sad and soppy rejection stories. I just love how they can make your emotions come out and you cry. I cry very easily because I am a very emotional person. I read at least 15 rejection stories before I started writing my own, I realized that in every story, the female character runs away from her pack. So I thought maybe I should write one without the female character running away but sticking around and sacrificing everything for the male character.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

I’m kinda torn with the ending. I don’t know if I should kill off the girl or both the male and female.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

Scarlett. Because she keeps getting kicked down by her family but in the end she still loves them and that shows that no matter how bad your family treat you, in the end they’re still your family and you should love them. She also is strong in her own way and weak in her own way. Scarlett may be suicidal but she is a beautiful character and I wouldn’t change her character for anyone else. She showed me to stay strong no matter how hard life is.

Are your characters based on real life people?

 Me. Scarlett is a bit like me because I also have suicidal thoughts and no matter how bad my family members treat me, I still love them. I have been bullied in primary school and I still get some now but my past has changed me into a total rebel now. Haha. I still cry myself to sleep but I can’t cut anymore. I’m scared. Some people just don’t know how much words can hurt.

If your life was a book what would be the title?


Can you say something extra about your book readers don’t know?

Broken Shadows pack actually hate Scarlett for being prettier than Lindsay and so many other pack girls. So the pack keeps on telling her she is ugly and she actually believes it. Her wolf which is white with a black patch over her eye is actually a special wolf. It’s a Panda Wolf. Nah. Jk. It’s a special wolf that can have the power to get more beautiful after each shift and shift back to human. So Scarlett actually gets prettier after every shift. She doesn’t notice it but maybe sometimes her eyes glow brighter or her hair silkier.

Have you ever had a writer’s block? How do/did you overcome it?

I am an author who is very popular with writer’s block. Like every once a month! The ideas come when I’m sleeping.  :P  So it’s like I’m half asleep then poof! An idea!

Anything else you would like to add?

I just really want to thank the interviewer, my fans who have stuck with me since BHTE and I am so sorry for deleting that story but it wasn’t going in the right direction. My friends and family who gave me the inspiration and support to write my stories. I am so sorry for the super slow updates and I hope you guys will stick with me till the end. I am so proud of you guys! We are almost to 950 reads!

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