CHAPTER 3 | mystery hill

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We now return to our regular programmed schedule ;-)

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It took a full minute for Keira to compose herself. Still holding on to the slimmest of hopes she stared at the closed folder and asked, "Were the bodies found at Mystery Hill?"

"How did you know?" Ryker then turned to Deacon. "I thought you weren't going to brief the Doc on the case until I got here."

"I didn't."

Ryker let out a small growl. "Does someone want to tell me what I'm missing?"

Ignoring the Essex County Sheriff, she pushed the folder back towards him. "I'm going to need something that each victim had on them when they died. Clothing, jewellery, wallet; anything as long as it was in contact with them."

Ryker's brow furrowed as his mouth turned grim. She had the sudden urge to flinch. His unrelenting stare made her feel uneasy. It was clear he was not thrilled at being left in the dark. With determination, Keira met his gaze but faltered under his piercing scowl, she felt he was staring right through her soul as if this would determine his next move. She wondered how the criminals he dealt with every day coped with this level of scrutiny.

"It's an hour's drive to get to the site and it'll almost be dark when we get there. Are you sure you don't want to go in the morning," he eventually said.

She crossed her arms over her chest and mimicked his posture. "Positive. If we delay any further, I won't be able to get any answers."

Ryker's gaze continued to bore through her. Unused to this level of examination she felt herself wilting. After what seemed an eternity, his eyes flickered to Deacon. She breathed a sigh of relief when he pushed his chair back and stood. "All their personal effects are in evidence. We can collect them on the way," Ryker paused and raised an eyebrow as he raked his eyes up and down her body with a predatory look. "However, I suggest that we swing by your hotel first. While I am partial to heels and a nice set of legs, I don't think your suit would fare well where we are going."

Keira felt her cheeks grow warm at his inspection, quickly uncrossed her legs and shot up from the table. "I'm not completely devoid of a brain. I didn't suggest I'd go dressed like this," she said stiffly as she struggled to hold back her temper which had risen to boiling point in a heartbeat.

Ryker winked and grinned. Somehow he knew exactly which buttons to push. "Whatever you say Doc." He indicated towards the door, "After you."

She could feel his eyes on her as she shook hands with Deacon and took her leave. "Ryker will take you back to your hotel to save time," he said, "Keep me in the loop. You have my number."

Once they had driven back to the hotel, it took Keira less time than expected to race up to her room, change and then head back out again. As she exited the lobby onto the street, she couldn't help but notice Ryker leaning against his car, chatting away to a small group of women. From the way in which the one closest to him would reach out and brush her hand against his arm as she laughed at something he said, it was clear that they knew each other.

Keira rolled her eyes as a cynical smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Figures he would look right at home surrounded by groupies.

Not that she could blame them. Even with her skeptical nature, she had to admit he filled out his uniform perfectly. The problem was; he knew it.

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