CHAPTER 8 | genesis II

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies. Welcome to the weekend! It has been such a tragic week, first the devastation in Baghdad and then the events in the US. My heart goes out to all the families affected. The streets of Heaven is too crowded with Angels that should have been left on Earth.

Also, I would like to thank all of you who sent lovely messages regarding my fathers illness. You're support is greatly appreciated.

I hope you enjoy this chapter... it may answer some questions... but then again it may not. ;-)  Don't forget to vote!

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Ryker took another drink and met Keira's startled gaze.

Good, it's about time someone else is on the back-foot.

Ryker had been on autopilot as he listened to Deacon unfold a history he was blind to. After ignoring his initial reaction to lash out at his mentor and friend he now only wanted answers. Keira, unable to meet his unwavering expectant stare, broke eye contact and looked away. Not willing to back down, he stood his ground.

"I'm not getting any older so I can wait as long as you can," he said, his voice coming out harsher than intended.

Keira let out a deep breath and reached for the drink that had been left for her. "How well do you know the Bible?" Keira asked as she stared at the amber contents.

Ryker shrugged his shoulders. "As much as anyone. It's a diverse collection of writing from a lot of people."

He watched as she cradled the drink in her small hands. The clinking of ice as it made contact with the sides of the glass rang through the silent room. Keira cleared her throat. "Biblical scholars look at the Bible in a different way than the average churchgoer. The reality is that in addition to its importance as a human artefact that was written by over 40 contributors over a 1500-year period, it tells us a lot more than people realise.

Keira paused and finally looked up at him. Her expression was strained as she continued. "Most of Christianity's belief structure is focused on the new testament, a forgiving and loving God. The old testament illustrates a darker, not so merciful God."

"I always wondered about that," Ryker said. "Between banishing, drowning, slaughtering entire cities, sending ten plagues and killing first-borns, I could never work out how Christianity thrived and grew."

Deacon let out a dry laugh. "That's because it's based on Jesus's teachings and not the actions that came before," he said, joining the conversation.

Keira nodded in agreement. "You have to remember, that the documented stories were written down hundreds of years after they actually happened. As with anything that is repeated verbally through multiple generations, a little gets lost in the translation."

Ryker sat on the nearest armrest. He wasn't sure where this was headed, but it looked like it was going to take a while to get to the point.

"I'm with you so far," he said, "but I have no idea what this has to do with a door."

Keira glanced over at Deacon and then back at him. It was clear she was leading up to something, but for the life of him he couldn't work out what.

What do Bible stories have to do with our current situation?

"Most Christians know of, and pretty much accept that the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven," Keira said.

Angels? Heaven? Careful to not roll his eyes he said, "They tried staging their own coup or something like that."

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