CHAPTER 26 PART 3 | new beginnings

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies,

To be honest, I can't believe we are at the end Keira's journey. I am so very grateful to each and every one of you for your support and encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me. 

I was going to do a final roll call of countries, but it is nearly 1am, and I am a little emotional with our parting. I will miss you all heaps. Check back in the next day or so, if you are curious, as I will post the final country list sometime tomorrow.

For those of you also following Evolution, it will now resume its hiatus now the WD is complete.

I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed bringing Keira, Ryker, Dayna, Deacon, Mitos, and the rest, to life.

Don't forget to vote.

Take care and God bless,

❤ ℳ

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Just before dawn, Keira gave up all pretense of sleeping. She'd tossed and turned all night. Every time she closed her eyes, visions of Ryker and Makeda bombarded every part of her brain. She was ready to scream when she imagined his lips trailing down the woman's flawless chocolate skin. Lips that not long ago pressed against her, promising more than he was prepared to give.

How could she have been such a fool to think he actually cared? If he did, he wouldn't have flirted so shamelessly in front of her. He wouldn't have left with the stunningly beautiful female vampire. He wouldn't have left without saying goodbye.

Mother Earth, did I make the right decision?

"It's too late now," she mumbled as she swung her legs out of bed and reached for her jeans.

Then why does this hurt so much?

Keira threw some water on her face and tiptoed downstairs, not wanting to wake the rest of the house. She padded into the kitchen and placed a tea kettle of water on the stove top. There was just enough light from the kitchen appliances, Keira decided to leave the main lights off. When she turned around to reach for a cup, she looked up to realize the patio door was open. She brought a hand up to her chest and let out a small cry as a form materialized in the doorway. Before she could let out a full-blown scream, the form blurred and a hand suddenly reached out and wrapped itself around her mouth.

"Did you really want to wake the house at this ungodly hour?"

Her shoulders relaxed when she recognized the voice, and she reached up to yank away Ryker's hand.

"You didn't need to scare me like that."

"Who was scaring who? I was already here, and some woman with hair looking like a bird's nest stumbles into my kitchen at five a.m. If anyone is to be scared here, it's me."

Keira subconsciously ran a hand down her hair. Being so long, it tended to stick out in all directions with the least provocation. "I didn't expect anyone to be up yet," she mumbled.

Ryker leaned against the bench and folded his arms across his chest. "Neither did I."

She became self-conscious as he watched her every movement like a hawk. When the kettle whistle blew, she was grateful. The awkward silence was killing her.

"Would you like one?" she asked as she poured herself a tea.

"Not for me, thanks."

Unsure whether to flee with her drink back up to her bedroom or to stand her ground, Keira decided on the latter, and made her way to the dining table.

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