CHAPTER 7 | fast and furious

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📎A/N. Hello dear friends, I hope you are well and ready to face the new week!

As usual, things have been a bit hectic in my neck of the woods and I'm a little behind in replying to all your comments. I do apologise and hope to get back on track this week...

Thanks for your support :-)

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to vote if you do!

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A moment or two after Dayna and Marcus's car had turned onto the main thoroughfare, Keira recognised Ryker's squad car, with its dented front fender, making its way towards her. From the way he drove, she wondered how it only sported a single indentation. The speeds he had achieved the day before would have put Fast and Furious to shame.

Keira had been so focused on the road, she had failed to notice one of the waiters from the café approach her. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said after he cleared his throat. "These are for you."

She swung round to discover a freckled face teenage boy holding out two takeaway coffee cups with the café's logo on the heat sleeves.

Keira frowned as she stared blankly at the young man. After blinking twice, she shook her head in confusion. "I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I didn't order anything."

"But I did. Grab them and get in."

Distracted by the waiter, she hadn't registered that Ryker had pulled up to the curb and had flung open the passenger door from the inside. Before she had a chance to respond, the kid thrust the hot cups into her hands, waved to Ryker, then spun on his heels and sprinted back to the café to deal with his next customer.

Keira stood opened mouthed at his retreating back.

"I know things are laid back in LA," Ryker growled from within the car, "but here in the real world the clock is ticking."

Keira jolted out of her inertness, handed Ryker the drinks and got in. No sooner had she clicked her seatbelt into place, then they were peeling out into traffic and navigating their way through the narrow streets towards the city's outskirts.

"Green Tea," Ryker said breaking the silence.


"I got you Green Tea. You ordered it before, so I assumed that's what you drank," he said as he reached for the second drink in the dual cup holder.

Keira wasn't sure whether she should be pleased or worried that he paid attention to the small things. She watched him take a gulp from his steaming cup while weaving in and out of traffic.

"Should you be drinking and driving like that?" she asked after griping onto the grab handle attached to the passenger door.

Ryker flashed her a boyish grin and casually placed the cup back into the holder on the front console. "Doc you're safe with me. In the one hundred odd years of driving, I've not had a single accident."

"That's not what the dent on your car tells me," Keira said as she raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

He let out a chuckle. "That ding? That was the result of a trouble maker resisting arrest."

Keira's both brows shot up. "And so you decided to hit him with your car? Great policing skills there."

"Doc, for someone as smart as you, you certainly have some missing cogs in that big brain of yours. You seem to forget that we have the highest population of Supernaturals in the country; that dent was the perps body hitting the car after he'd tried one too many swings at me." Ryker shrugged. "The car just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

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