CHAPTER 6 | eine kleine nachtmusik

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies!!

I hope your weekend is going well.  Out of idle curiosity, I thought I would check the Wattpad World Map for Witch Doctor... and I was so very surprised!! Only 5 chapters in and we have readers from 63 countries! OMG. And they are... in no particular order  *drum roll please*

Canada, USA, Mexico, Dominican Rep, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Paraguay, Argentina, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, Romania, Macedonia, Greece, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand.

Thank you all so very much for choosing to read my story. I am so very grateful!

Before you read on, be warned, there is mild gore in this chapter...  So, if you are feint of heart, may be give this chapter a miss.. 

Don't forget to vote and all comments greatly appreciated.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

❤ ℳ  

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Amos frowned and glanced up at the overhead lights in irritation. The dull glow was not bright enough to allow him to study the old and weathered parchment which had been carefully rolled flat against the makeshift architect style easel. The visibility was something that couldn't be helped. The subterranean gallery, hidden from prying eyes, had no opening that would allow natural sunlight to grace the dark stone chamber.

He reached for the retracting desk lamp and, after switching it on, returned his focus to the astrological map that had been penned a millennium before. As he continued to compare the weathered lines and marks against the pages in an equally ancient manuscript, his foot tapped in time to Mozart's Serenade No. 13 in G major. A small smile graced his lips as he gave in to the serene calm that enveloped him like a warm blanket.

Since childhood, music had always had a calming effect on him. With it he could fly to the stars and back; with each melodious note, he was swept away imagining a future promised to them since the dawn of time. It was the tool that allowed him to concentrate; and at the moment, he needed it more than ever. The incompetency of others had weighed heavily on him to the point that he had been ready to explode.

He had spent the better part of his life devoted to fulfilling the prophecy of the Master's return. Countless lives and blood money had been sacrificed to ensure they would not fail this time. But despite finding the weakest link across the many possible covens, and removing enough power, they had not managed to breach the doors defences.

Amos stood and cricked his neck from side to side. The cracks from his weary bones could be heard through the classical music which had been turned up to full volume. He closed his eyes and arched his back. Too many hours hunched over the ancient text had taken its toll, and he was now stiff and sore.

"Nothing that the Master won't remedy," he murmured to himself as he returned to his task and leafed through the manuscript to locate the passage he had found earlier that day.

Amos Solomon, Brother Superior within the Order of Chaos, was confident that his youthful body would be one of the first gifts bestowed. After all, I will have succeeded where all others have failed.

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