CHAPTER 26 PART 1 | new beginnings

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies.

Before we get into the final chapter of Witch Doctor, I just wanted to let you know it's day 9 of The Decameron, and that means #TeamCoincidence is up.

Eleven teams, eleven themes, twelve judges, 110 stories, and some great prizes!

If you'd like to check out my first attempt at a short story, check it out at

I would love to get feedback on what you think of it...

I have also added it as a link to this chapter, as well as in the first comment to this chapter.

Each team was assigned an archaic word to use, see if you can work out what was ours.While you are there, show some readerly love at my team mates. The first eight stories are up.

1. What's your WiFI Password by leighwstuart

2. Triskele by <-- That would be mine

3. The Lost Luggage of Time by jespah

4. Until We Meet Again by raekitano

5. Spinning Threads by ddonohue78

6. Xia Xenides by lmareeapps

7. Unus Mundus by red_harvey

8. Martian Rendezvous by elveloy

9. In Light's Shadow by bloodsword

10. Coincidence by sleeplessinchicago


This chapter was particularly long and I have split it into three parts. Don't panic, they will all go up within a few minutes of each other.

I hope you enjoy the final chapters in Witch Doctor. If you do, don't forget to vote...

Take care,

❤ ℳ

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Stop that infernal racket!

Keira held her breath and grimaced. The jungle drums pounded from all directions. With each painful beat, a flash of color exploded and then evaporated just as quickly into the darkness.

Thump. Thump.

Please, I beg you, stop that noise.

Her body tensed as the colors and drum beat collided, shooting pain up through her aching bones and muscles as they blended into one. As the pain subsided, the dense fog that had taken hold of her mind cleared. Keira relaxed into the pillow when she realized the drums were nothing more than a pounding headache that had taken hold and was determined to both deafen and kill her at the same time.

Keira opened her eyelids; or, at least she tried to. They were half way open when she snapped them shut with the unexpected effort to do something as simple as lift two bits of skin covering her eyes. Her lids were heavy; very heavy.

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