CHAPTER 14 | Legions

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📎A/N Hello my lovelies. How was your weekend? All ready for another week?

Thanks so very much on your feedback from the last chapter. It looks like some of you took Marcus's death quite hard.

Hopefully he will be the last. But can't guarantee anything... Muahahahahaha!

Take care and don't forget to vote.

❤ ℳ

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Amos's expression froze as he continued to stare at, and right through, his Second Councillor. A wax statue at Madam Tussauds, was more animated than he was capable of.





Eyes that moved in and out of focus fixed on a non-existent spot on the wall in the distance.

Amos reached into his happy place, and Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries swept him away in its beauty. His soul soared as Brünnhilde carried a terrified, half- unconscious Sieglinde past him and onto her ultimate sacrifice.

If he didn't, he would be short of another Second Councillor, and Randall would be missing a head.

The last notes died and faded leaving him befit at Brünnhilde's self-sacrifice. With reluctance, Amos returned to the matter at hand.





Now that his body and mind had calmed enough to deal with the situation in a manner befitting someone of his rank within the Order, Amos released his rigid control and allowed his limbs to move. A sharp pain rushed through his joints. He wasn't getting any younger, and his bones objected to the harsh treatment.

Amos reached for his upside down crucifix and prayed for guidance. My Lady Leviathan, grant me the strength to not kill every last fucking one of them.

Somehow, the latest generation of the Order was incapable of following the simplest of instructions. He'd happily gut the one in front of him alive if he could. However, he was quickly running out of Second Councillors and time was running out.

Amos took another deep breath and glared at Randall. At least he had the fortitude to look shamefaced at his actions.

"You do remember what we are working towards?" Amos asked.

Randall bobbed his head and continued to keep a steady eye on the ground. "Yes, your Grace."

"And, correct me if I'm wrong, keeping the authorities from sniffing around is one of your primary objectives."

Another bobble and Amos resisted the urge to decapitate the boy. We'll see how well you bob your head when it's rolling on the ground.

"Then please explain to me," Amos began, "how, out of the seven-hundred-thousand people who live in Essex County, you managed to kill the one outsider who has the connections to bring in the F.B.I, State Troopers and the National Guard?"

Randall flinched at the icy accusation.

"Was there no local you could have harassed and maimed instead?" Sarcasm dripped from every syllable as Amos reached for his crucifix to keep his rage under control.

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