CHAPTER 25 PART 1 | solstice

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📎 A/N. Hello my lovelies, and Happy New Year!

Summer holidays are over, kids are getting ready to go back to school, my parents have moved in with us due to my father's ailing health, and I am back at work like a mad chook. There's a few things going on that kept me from writing, and if I suddenly drop off the planet again, it's not because I don't love you all to death. It means that there are some things out of my control.

If you remember, when we last left Keira, Ryker, Dayna and the others, they were heading off to Mystery Hill to take on Leviathan's Legions... I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, don't forget to vote.

Take care,

❤ ℳ

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By the time they had arrived at their destination, the summer solstice sun had set, and the strawberry moon majestically hung low and heavy in the evening sky. The glowing light, after forcing its way through thicker and humid air, resembled the color of honey. It's amber color giving it an ethereal radiance that that fascinated people since the dawn of time.

Keira closed her eyes and raised her face towards the moon. As the day had drawn to a close, giving way to the night, her body came alive as if it were already siphoning energy from the potent and undeniable power that was recharging the earth. Every nerve ending shivered and twitched. Her legs ached to race through the forest; her fingertips pulsed and longed to understand just how much power she could tap into.

A light touch at her elbow brought her back to the reality of the situation, and she swung her head around towards Dayna.

"Can you feel it?" she whispered to her sister in awe.

Dayna nodded. Even in the dim light, Keira could see the energy pulsing behind her sisters energetic and expressive eyes.

"I know you said that we would feel extra power, but this is unbelievable," said Maize, keeping her voice low.

While Keira and Dayna had experienced this phenomenon before, the intensity of the surge in energy was that much stronger the nearer they were to a doorway. Right now, they couldn't get much closer if they tried.

Keira peered around the large tree they had taken refuge behind and studied the clearing around the ancient stones. Small fires had been lit, enabling them a clear view of the Legions. As with their previous visit, Arnie, the muscled Legion who appeared in charge, and the robed older man they guessed was a Brother Superior with The Order, were focused on the ceremony to bring each Legion through the doorway into a host's body. However, with the increase in their little army, the original formation of Legions around the circumference of the clearing had changed. They were dismayed to discover that they were now scattered in an even pattern between the outer part of the clearing, all the way to the outer edge of the inner third of the clearing. Arms were crossed at their chest, with each hand resting on the opposite shoulder; their heads faced downwards, and a low hum resonated throughout the woods.

Both Deacon and Kahair had recognized it at once. The Legions were channeling their power through each other to begin their final assault. This same technique had been used across the eons to bring cities to their knees and allow the vampire forces to full reign to decimate Leviathan's enemies.

Keira pulled back and took a deep breath. Where are they?

Her question was answered a few moments later as a small gust of wind whipped at the dry dirt at her feet.

Keira's shoulders relaxed when Ryker, Deacon, Kahair and Vincent, another of the primordial vampires, appeared. Ryker looked as concerned as he had since their change in plan. Since its inception, Ryker had voiced his opposition to it. Check that, not the plan persay, but his part in it.

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