CHAPTER 24 | prepare for battle

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies.. and seasons greetings to you all...

It is that time of year again where we all go mad, do our Christmas shopping at the last moment, and come home to realize you need to go back out there

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It is that time of year again where we all go mad, do our Christmas shopping at the last moment, and come home to realize you need to go back out there... as you've forgotten the one thing you went out to get in the first place :(

Santa is due at our place in ten hours.. and needless to say, my youngest is counting them down.

So, here's the next chapter of The Witch Doctor for you to read while you are standing in the long queue at the checkout ;)

Take care and happy holidays to those of you celebrating this time of year.

❤ ℳ

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It didn't take long for the rest of their little army to rise and make their way downstairs. The odd sight of witches, vampires, a grumpy deputy, and an old Asian Indian woman who forever fussed over them, didn't escape his sense of humor.

I'm sure there's a joke in this somewhere.

"What the hell is all this pansy crap?" asked Mitos as he stared at the array of food on the countertop.

Ananya clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Hush you old fart. There's bacon and sausages keeping warm in the oven. You can get them yourself. I'm not your maid or mother."

Mitos grabbed a plate and grumbled under his breath as he wandered to the oven. Ryker shook his head. Even if he lived as long as Deacon, he'd never understand the strange little man.

The atmosphere was subdued, and most of those assembled ate without much conversation. As Ryker studied the witches, he wondered if some of them regretted their decision to take a stand against Leviathan. To their credit, not one made a move to leave and evade whatever was about to befall them.

When Keira chuckled at something Dayna said, it dawned on him why. They each had a vested interest. The witches had an innate overriding need to keep those near to them safe and alive which drove them to risk everything. This was a need stronger than self-preservation and just as deadly. Keira caught him studying her, and she cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

Not wanting her to see where his thoughts had led him Ryker gave her a wink as he leaned back onto the counter top and gave her one of his cheesiest grins. Keira poured herself a green tea and joined him.

"Do you think we are ready for this?" she asked as she looked around the room.

Ryker shrugged. "We have to be."

Kiera drank the rest of her tea and placed the cup back on the countertop with a sigh. "We'd better get this show on the road then."

After breakfast, Deacon dispatched two vampires to Mystery Hill. Arrangements had already been made to keep the summer solstice celebrations away from the ancient site. Even so, they needed to keep an eye on the Legions. Both Keira and Dayna were adamant that Leviathan could not possibly come through before the moon was at its peak. Deacon, however, was taking no chances.

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