My Perfect Fake Boyfriends( Boy x Boy)

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Ok, this story is Fan-ficiton to Absolute Boyfriend. Absolute Boyfriend  is one of my favorite straight Manga's EVER!!. It's funny and sweet but, the ending hurt me.  I still love the whole storyline thought. So, I've decicied to make a boy x boy version of it with a twist.

The story will invovle two step-brothers Shion and Alice( yeah there girl names, so what, my story) who have a hard time finding love, yet got invovle in something they REALLY regret, so please enjoy the story begaining.

This book is Boy x Boy, if you don't read that then turn back now, but please give it a shot.

FANFICTION, not claiming any copyrights to the manga "Absolute boyfriend" which my book is based on about.

May contain future Naughty Sences


Chapter 1 Meet Alice and Shion

"Shion...." Alice complained outside his brother bedroom door.

Shion quickly exited out the site he was in" What is it Alice?"

Alice barged in, his blue eyes flooding with tears." I hate my life!!!" Alice ran to his brother's bed and cried, his head in shion pillow and his long blond hair spread out.

Shion sighed " What happened this time..?" Shion turned away from his Computer to look at his sad brother.

This is Shion and Alice Tojo, 17 year old Step-brothers who are alone in the world.  Their parents are on a "around the world" vacation so, the brothers are home by themselves all the time.

Shion felt protective of his feminine brother. Alice wasn't really his real name but, people confuse him with the anime charater so the name stuck with him.

"I tried to ask this girl in my class if she wanted to see a movie with me but, she laughed saying" I would never date a guy who looks better than me" Alice continued to cry in the pillow.

Shion thought Alice was too sensitive. " Don't let that girl get to you..."

"I can't help it, I hate this, why do I have to look like HER" Alice pointed at Shion poster of Alice in the country of hearts ( great manga).

"At least your day was better then mine." Shion sighed

Alice look up from the pillow, his eyebrows scrunched up and he looked at him in confusion." How was my day any better than your's??"

"I tried asking this girl out in my cooking class and she laughed saying" Ask me again when your taller and more handsome."


"Yeah, but I didn't let that get to me." Shion and Alice sighed in unison. Shion didn't look like a girl, but his height made it look like he was. ( Shion 5'3, Alice 5'4).

"Hey Alice...can I tell you something?"


" You can't tell anyone."

"Just tell me already!" Alice sat up on Shion bed, wiping his tears.

"Well today, after  I got rejected, I couldn't handle the other's seeing me in such a state so...I left school..."

"Mom and Dad are so going to kill you, if they find out."Alice frowned.

"Mom and Dad are never home. Anyways, I was walking through the park and..."


Shion sighed as he walked through the park. He looked at the couples that were laughing and smiling happily with envy.

"Why can't I find someone that's right for me? What's  wrong with me...?" Shion muttered, his walking became slower, he wasn't paying any attention to where he was going till he bumped into someone.

"Sorry.." Shion muttered as he pulled back, his eyes went wide when he looked at the guy he bumped into."Is there a cosplaying show around here?" Shion asked.

"I am not cosplaying, why does everyone think that" The man frown.

"By the way you dress, the helmet, the tattoo under your eye, that big jacket..."

"Ok I get it!" The man  looked annoyed, then, he smiled

"Hey are you interested in buying anything...?"

"Great, I just bumped into a salesman." Shion thought, then said outloud " No thank you, whatever your selling is not what I want."

"Really, well what about this?" The Cosplaying saleman took out a jar" This supplements can make you lose 20lb overnight or.."he took out a bottle this time" This lotion can help hair grow...

Shion backed away slowly " Sorry I don't need any of that."

"Come on, there must be something you want."

The salesman was persistent, Shion had to give him credit for that. " You don't have what I want. What I want is a relationship, nothing more!" Shion covered his mouth with his hand,blushing. Why did he say that to a stranger?

The salesman smiled out of amusement." Then why didn't you  say so in the beginning?"

The salesman pulled Shion behind a couple of trees, so that they were out of sight. Shion was uncomfortable at his closeness.

"Here's my card." The man gave Shion a card, the name Gaku Namikiri was written on it and on the bottom, salesman to Krono's Heaven was in bold. Under that card was a CD.

"This CD will take you to a special website but, this site has to remain a secret. Ok?"

The man pulled back, Shion took the card and CD. He thought it was a joke. " Ok. I better be leaving now."

Shion turned around and walked back to the road.

"I'll be in touch...Shion."

Shion turned around" How you know my..."

Shion didn't see Gaku anywhere...

End of Flashback.

"That was werid." Alice said after Shion told him what happened.

"Yeah, it was. Then, I came straight home, I was actually looking at the site before you came. Come take a look." Shion pulled up the page he was on, Alice jumped off the bed to get a better look.

"Lovershop....the Krono's Heaven online catalog....." Alice read the description " We have the ideal lover who exists just for you, make him even better by adding personality options. Is this a joke?" Alice looked at Shion.

"I thought it was at first but, looking at this site, I guest it not..."

"Are they Trafficking in human flesh?" Alice face paled.

"No, look." Shion pointed at another description "Lover figure, dolls of the Nightly lover series. See? They aren't real."

"Ok, so their not real. You aren't seriously thinking of doing this, are you?" Alice was curious.

"Well I was..."

"How are you going to pay for it then?"

"I'm not, look. Their giving a three day free trial. I was thinking that we should keep her for three days and then return her."

"I guess,but..."

"Stop worrying, we get to experience what real love is. If it does turn out to be fake, we can return it,  plus, it would give us a good laugh. So you in?"

Alice took a moment to think about it. " Yes, but I'm getting my own model. I don't trust what your going to choose for their personality."

"Deal, now..."

"Wait, aren't we going to see what were getting? Look, there's a icon to see what they look like!"

"No way, if we like what we see, how in hell are we going to return her? I think it's best if it's surprise." Shion skipped to the contract.

"If you say so..." Alice muttered as both Shion and Alice started adding personality to there models.

Shion Tojo

Age 17

Personality options for his perfect match.

The Nightly Lover series model 3.

-Stylish              -A little possessive                -smart                                  -handy

-cute                  -Charming                              -strong

-A little horny      -can protect themself            -Dependable

-clean                - loving and kind                        -funny

Alice Tojo

Age 17

Personality option for his perfect match.

The Nightly Lover series model 3.

-Stylish              -A little possessive                -smart                                  -handy

-cute                  -Charming                              -can cook                          - comforting

-A little horny      -can protect themself            -Dependable                   

-clean                - loving and kind                        -funny

"That weird options you got" Shion said as he read Alices.

"Right back at you." Alice retorted " Now what?"

"We send it." Shion clicked send.

"Tomorrow's a Saturday so it should come soon."

Alice and Shion fell asleep next to each other wondering if they did the right thing.

The next morning.

"Shion, wake up!!" The panic in Alice's voice woke him up.

"What's wrong?" Shion wasn't a morning person.

"Their here!!!!" Alice yelled.

Shion became wide awake. " Already?"

"Yeah, I already told the men to leave them in the living room. Man, these crates are huge, look!"

Shion hurried to the living room, looking at Alice opening up the crate that had his name on it." Where's mine?"

"Over there." Alice pointed to the box near door"Why did they have to make them stand straight up?"

As they both open the crates, a heavy body fell on each of them, pinning them to the floor.

The boys screamed bloody murder as the bodies fell on them. They both hit their heads, losing consciousness.........

So how was it so far, was it any good, comments help me to write it better, so please comment and vote please, the next chapter should be out soon.

What do you think of Shion and Alice????

 12-29-11 news

This is the reedit version, the orginal was a bit hard to understand, so i hope you guys love the reedit veriosn, tell me what you think???

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