Chapter 5 Scary thoughts

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Hi anyone, I am soo happy to have people reading this so far, I been working hard on this for two days now, so please enjoy this chapter.

Alice real name is in this chapter, Please comment and vote please. Sorry for the spelling errors. and grammer.

On the side is what I think Shion looks like, cute yet have a small sexy vibe.

And on the side is a music video, it from an anime, it called Shugo Chara! The song is called [Meikyu Butterfly - Utau Hoshina. Its a good song, sorry could not find one with english lyrics. Still it a good melody to hear.

Chapter 5 Scary thoughts.

"It’s too quiet...." Shion mumbles as he was trying to find the user manual, to get the receipt and address to send those horny Machines back to their company.

Alice meanwhile was eating the delicious breakfast Renji made.

  "Oh my god." Alice moaned, “I had no idea French toast could taste this good...Shion, stop looking for that stupid book and try some of this.”  

"That stupid book is the only means to our survival!!" Shion yelled, "Do you want to lose your virtue to a sexy...I mean crazy machine!!" Shion mentally hit his head, why did he just say sexy!!!!  

Alice seem to notice that, “Are you actually starting to have feelings for Skylar??"

  "Hell no!!" Shion quickly denied, “I am not having feeling for Skylar, it was just a miss pronounce word I made, are YOU having feeling for Renji??"

  "No.” Alice blushed, "I mean I sort of like him as a friend.”  

"Oh this is PERFECT, my girly looking brother is starting to have sexual thoughts of Renji, am I the only normal boy around here...?" Shion said as he hit his head.  

Alice looked at Shion angrily, “That was mean of you to say, even for you.” Alice pushed his plate away, “I lost my hunger.”  

Shion notice the look of pain on Alice face. "Alice...”  

“STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" Alice yelled, "You can't even apologize to me using my real name, you know I hate being called Alice.” This time Alice had tears coming down his face.  

"I'm sorry...Masaki..." Shion came to Alice and pulled him into a hug, “I am sorry to have said that about you.”  

"It’s strange...Masaki sounds like a stranger to me now...even though that’s my birth name, it’s not my name anymore.” Alice said as he hugged back.  

"You are a very confusing brother.” Shion mumbled as he brought a napkin to Alice, to wipe the tears, “Masaki is your real name, you’re just so used to being called Alice, and you’re just not used to being called Masaki."  

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