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"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."

- Henny Youngman

The girl scanned the area wearily. Leaning against the wall whispering into the ear of her friend Ashton. She snickered quietly into his shoulder, eyeing every poorly dressed female that passed. Amber's long auburn curls fell fairly close to her bottom, she twirled her mint gum loosely and laughed every time she saw tacky shoes or hairstyle. Amber's eyes popped out of her head as she leaned outward nudging Ashton.

They were at another house party on a school night, trap music blared as random intoxicated teens grinded on each other, as if they were professional porn stars. Keeping pace with the beat they should have considered condoms before they reached the bedrooms. Lights flickered in the dark of the crowded home.

Amber smacked her lips when she spotted Emily. In annoyance, she rolled her eyes, but then flipped her eyes back to Aston, running her hands up and down his torso, concluding she didn't have time to worry about anyone that night. She bit her lip seductively and pulled Ashton with the invisible force of her wiggling finger. Shimming into the middle of the crowded dance floor. Amber adorned herself in a floral laced red crop top, and tight little black pleather shorts.

She pulled Ashton's tan freckled arm pulling his slender frame into hers. His hair was dark brown, messy and stiff, geld down heavily. He was skinny, and lengthy but his bright smile and cocky charm made up for his skinny frame. Amber felt the bass of the music and the alcohol had really gone to her head now.

Her body pulsing she circled in front of Ashton, pushing her tiny bottom against Aston's man business. Placing her hands on her hips she pushed and whined her hips vigorously with the beat, ashton felt up her body pushing equally as hard onto her backside. She giggled and stuck out her tongue. After she retired from the dance floor she leaned against the wall to rest sipping a warm Budweiser. Amber and Ashton were definitely a strange definition of friends. Meanwhile Emily peered through clouds of smoke over at the two of them.

"Can anyone be civil anymore." Emily scoffed mumbling to herself. Many would argue she wouldn't be the one to talk, but Emily was appalled by Amber in general. She wasn't a fan of Amber or her raunchy preformence, guessing the boy beside her heard her mumbles he replied. "Not at a party like this." He chuckled. He was a tall Caucasian boy creamy complected, black hair pushed and cut like the typical fuck boy. Looking like a modern day Elvis.

An Elvis fuck boy she thought as she chuckled. His name was John. He had blue braces and an easy smooth demeanor. So she entertained his conversation the rest of the night. They found out that they both attended Riverton High. The boy seemed extremely pleased to hear that. "You look fantastic just wanted to throw that out there." Many raging teens rushed through the party almost knocking John over, but he held himself together despite almost being downright embarrassed. His geeky like confidence made Emily laugh.

"You don't look to bad yourself." Emily laughed. "I like the little, you know -" She pointed to his hair.

"Little flip thing you got going." She chuckled awkwardly, doing a sweeping motion with her hand.

"Hearing that from queen Elizabeth is always an honor." He smirked, pushing his hands into his pockets.

They decided to meet up and talk another time minus the raging music and horny teens. They exchanged numbers and planned to converse some more. Emily broke her talk with him to spend time with Brooke, They made their way into the kitchen ripping liquor bottles from the cabinets and lined up shot glasses on the table. "Mmm..let's play never have I ever?" Brooke suggested, clearing the table of trash and females purses, lining up assorted liquor bottles. Gathering a group of teens to confess that they've done that something no one else has.

Well into the game Brooke was pissy drunk, having done a lot of things. Brooke couldn't stand up straight as she was giggling and falling over everyone in her path, Emily had to assist her the rest of the night after that game. Many guys tried to take the responsibility off of Emily's hands and take Brooke home for the night but she kept close tabs on her nearly unconscious friend at a wild house party.

Brooke wanted to dance, and she was surely on her baddest behavior when she was wasted. Emily however made sure if Brooke was grinding on anyone it was her - just to be safe. By 2 am she was beat and ordered that Emily took her home before she fell asleep on the stranger's living room floor. The duo had some crazy times, and lots more to come.

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