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~ Happy fourth of July ~

Charlie passed curiously by the random teens congregating outside, trying to look for a familiar face. They had a beer bottles, and lit firecrackers. She heard the crackling and saw the sparks fly, as inebriated kids tried to escape getting popped.

Drunk teens and fire wonderful mix, she thought. She didn't want too much trouble, she just wanted to eat pizza and sit around looking cute entertained yet another day buy Ashton. Charlie straightened her usual wavy hair for the party.

She wore deep black eyeliner with a tight navy blue mini dress and a black leather jacket. Her figure was hugged deliciously. She strolled around outside the backyard of Ashton's friends house.

His name was Damien. It was about 9 o'clock she let her hands run across the lit up trees trunks with american flag colors.

She passed grills with hot dogs and burgers, she found a cooler full of root beer and she snagged a cool one. The sky was pretty, the sun had just started to set over Ashton's home. Amber rolled casually over to charlie showing real holiday spirit, with a red white and blue crop top and extra short booty shorts. Her auburn hair up in a loose wavy bun.
Amber recognized Charlie do to Ashton's very vivid descriptions of her.
"Ahh so I finally meet the girl Ashton had trouble getting these past few months.."

Charlie wasn't sure how to respond to that, so she didn't.

"You're one of the smart ones." Amber shrugged. "I'm sure he'll be coming your way shortly." Amber chuckled.

As close as she is to Ashton she seemed strangely okay with being around charlie, and comfortable with Ashton and Charlie hanging out. Amber likely knew that Charlie wouldn't be willing to sleep with him anyway.

Ashton also invited Chelsey, he hoped she be willing this time around to sleep with him. Chelsey told her parents she be spending the night at a friends house. Chelsey didn't own any clothes suitable to wow anyone at a teen party, so she ended up cutting up old t shirts and jeans. Ashton spend his time Chelsey prepping her for sex, mentally and physically.

He teased her for most the night. While a group of kids just hung around the porch Ashton ran his fingers up her inner thighs. Nibbled on her ears. Kissed her neck sweetly rubbed her shoulders, and whispered to her sweet nothings.

This excited Chelsey, most Ashton's friends didn't even bother asking who she was, because they knew it was likely Ashton barely knew who she was, they were used to seeing him with a new girl every week.

While blowing warm air onto her neck Ashton looked up and spotted Charlie walking his way. His hands fell from Chelsey and his gaze fixed firmly on Charlie's figure. He ripped away from her in an instant and said to Charlie,

"Glad you to make it.. I'll get you a beer and we can talk."

Chelsey was the least of his concerns she was simply a place holder. Chelsey stood blankly and confused as she watched the two walk off. Ashton wanted Charlie badly, once he got with her at least one time, the order of his life would fall back into place.

For now he was a wreck a sexually frustrated wreck.
They sat on the back porch of Damien's house. He was kind enough to open his home for the party while his parents we're away for two weeks, so parties like these would happened pretty much the whole time they were gone. Charlie and Ashton talked about grades, school, beer and drugs, hate and love, for about an hour.

"Your strategy is funny I guess its all planned out in your mad scientist lab: talk to girl, get her to open up, have sex this girl.." She said mechanically.

"Whatever it's been months I'm over it, I'm pretty clear on your position in this." He smirked.

"I'll be back I'm going to go get you a beer." He pat her leg and rushed to get her a drink. Charlie started relax, not to worrying so much, seeing that he finally understood. He returned with a cold bud light lime. Charlie smiled and popped it open taking a long swig.
"Aye get it farm girl." Laughed Ashton.

"Hush." She rolled her eyes.

Ashton started to stare at Charlie's piercing blue eyes deeply.

"How you feeling?" He asked holding chin up. Charlie's vision begin to blur, her eyes got watery and started to burn. Her vision smeared with different colors, and her hearing started to get muffled and cloudy.

"Ash?" She asked drowsily, holding out her hands to try to reach out to Ashton, who seemed to be 100 feet away. She tried to stand and steady herself, but her legs buckled. She slurred something unclear as she slumped down to the concrete in unconsciousness.

Her body lay loosely on the porch steps, black eyeliner smeared, her mouth half open and her dress risen up. Ashton calmly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, he walked casually through the crowded backyard in the midsts of laughter and rocket fireworks.

He raced out of the white gates of the backyard and down the street a few blocks to his prize possession. A blue abandoned 3 bedroom house. Lucky number 5608. Ashton went to the back door, fidgeting to find the door handle in the black of night.

It was around 9:30. He grumbled as he struggled to push open the door from the sticky door frame. A lot of the time he'd use the house to meditate, escaping from his mother's wrath he'd barricade himself in his hidden safe place.

Today though, he used it to finally unfold all his built up sexual tension towards the beautiful, delectable Charlie. He turned on his powerful flashlight in the hallow home.

Walking through the empty spacious living room, he heard the pitter, patter of water falling from broken pipes onto the scuffed white title. He raced up the staircase to his favorite bedroom. The master bedroom. Hey laid Charlie on the bed he stored it there.

Running the flashlight over her in all her beauty. He rubbed his palms together, he positioned her just right and kissed slowly down her shoulders and fragile arms, played in her hair, combing through it with his fingers, admiring her like she was a doll.

He kissed her forehead, cheeks and neck. Finally removing her strapless mini dress. Exposing her pink laced bra and her lavender colored underwear. He turned off the flashlight, both bodies disappearing in a sea of darkness.

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