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                                                             "Sometimes we survive by forgetting."

                                                                                                        - The uninvited (2009)

It was 8:00 when Emily and the girls showed up at the pool party. They were fashionably early, and Brooke complained on Que. Brooke was the queen of complaints, if something didn't go exactly her way, she'd be quick to pout, whine, or throw a fit in frustration. Emily ignored Brooke because she was looking to hook up early and get back to the party get back to the party. Linda had privately admitted to Emily that she had never randomly 'hooked up'. She said she lost her virginity to her boyfriend, she dated an 8th grader in her junior year. Emily found that odd but she wasn't the type to outwardly judge - especially someone she liked.

 Linda respectfully told Emily that she didn't believe in hook ups and that she didn't want to be pressured into it. Emily respected her stand, if Brooke heard it she wouldn't let Linda live it down, that's just how Brooke was, she was a taunter. She did things to get a reaction out of people. When Emily and Brooke were growing up, Brooke used to pick on other people who were different, for there hairstyles, the way they dressed, the way they walked, and Emily stood at her side and smiled with her as she ragged on other kids. What Brooke didn't know was after the fact, Emily would find the time to go back and apologize to the kids after Brooke hurt them. 

Emily had a big heart, and a weighty conscious. She never told Brooke she did that. The three of them walked through the pool gates, Emily's body tensed as she made her way through the crowd of kids. She didn't want to run into anyone she knew, she was trying to forget about reality for a few hours. Brooke and Linda rushed behind trying to keep up with Emily's fast paced footwork. The group partied for a few hours in the backyard of the large home. 

Strobe lights, raging teens and water guns. Feeling the bass coursing through her veins she gave it everything she had in the midst of the tightly arranged crowd. Emily felt a sharp cold blast of water hit her back. She screamed in shock and turned to find her perpetrator, she whipped around in search, her hair wet and her face covered in curiosity. She saw a tall, lengthy boy aiming a green children's water gun right for her face, he pretended he would shoot her, and then tucked the gun away, scrambling from her sight. Emily liked a challenge, she laughed chasing after him, her sandles had flown off, and her white mini dress was soaked and cold on her back

. Her eyes darted all perimeters of the pool area, she searched for black shoulder length hair, baggy lack jeans, and a white wife beater, a boy who looked wet with sweat instead of drenched in water. Tired and out of breath, Emily took a rest from running around the pool like a dweeb. She sat down on a lawn chair, and a body sprung out of nowhere, shooting several rounds of suppressed water right into her chest, over and over, over. No mercy. Relentless.

 Sexy as hell. She reasoned. After he stopped she sat, dripping water, not sure whether to get up and sucker punch him, or jump into his grip with a beast like energy. He stood there breathing heavily, with a twisted smile on his face. Emily stared directly into his crisp brown eyes with the same emotion. She stood and approached him slowly. 

"I see you know how to work that gun." She said slowly.

"Oh I do - believe I do." He nodded slowly not loosing his grin. She pushed the wet hair sticking to her cheeks behind her ears and licked her lips.

"I wanna know how you work the other one.." She whispered. He scooped her off her feet, she held on tightly around his neck as he raced speedily with her through the crowds and into the home. With anxious teen laughter and sexual curiosity, he moved with a quickness through the house to look for an empty room. It seemed every door they passed was occupied, and lots of other teens had the same idea as them.

 Finally in desperateness and shortness of breath he stopped in a crapped office type room with a large closet space. He propped Emily up on the office desk, her body pushing off pens, post it packets and notebooks, he kissed her thoroughly. Up and down her neck and shoulders, halfway through undressing her her realized he left the door open.

 He briefly stopped and shut the door, locking it. There wet bodies pressed together in the darkness of the office room, the light that escaped the backyard into the room were strobe lights. Colors bounced off the walls as the boy buried his head in Emily chest. She moaned sweetly, wrapping her arms around him as he pushed her back to the wall, unbuckling his pants.

 She pulled off his shirt quickly, running her hands down his slick wet skin. On his chest revealed a tattoo of a medium sized green snake, with a long pink tongue and dangerous looking fangs. She came up to bite his neck, and he pushed her back against the wall roughly, pulling her dress up. He got then lifted up both of her legs and Emily braced herself.

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