Chapter Seven

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This chapters going to be a bit short I think P; But it's the chapter you've all been waiting for!!! I think...


"It's because I love you!" Aaron shouted.

Did he actually just say that? Did he just say he loves me? Oh my god! He did, didn't he. Oh my god!

"W-what did you say?" I asked, stepping closer to him to make sure I'm hearing right.

"I love you...I love you..." He whispered slightly but I could still hear him.

"But...I thought you liked Sebastian...."

"No, that's not true. Ever since you told me you were gay, slowly I started to have weird feelings for you. Then about a year later or something, I realized that I'm gay. And I had feelings for you but I knew you wouldn't like me because you said I wasn't your type." He explained.

Wow...this is actually coming true?!

"But if you don't like me back, I hope we can still be friends..." He smiled sadly.

"No..." I said.

"Haha...I see..." He frowned then turned and started to walk away. Then I walked faster, catching up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Seth?"

"" I admitted as I bury my face in his back.

"Really?" He questioned and I unwrapped my arms as he turn to face me.

"Yeah." I smiled. "I only said you weren't my type because I was scared that you hate me if you knew I liked you."

"Seth Connor Miller, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and I could feel my tears building up in my eyes. This is probably the happiest day of my life.

"Yes...." I cried. Oh god! I'm freaking crying now!

Aaron instantly crashes his body against mine when I replied to him and I could feel the pound of his heart against my heart. I finally have my man. But obviously I won't tell him I have feelings for Sebastian though...not now... definitely not now.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you said yes." He mumbled against my shoulder. Aww how adorable. Call me a girl if you like but he is just so adorable. I'm never letting him go.



I'm actually hugging Seth! And not in a bro-mance way but in a romantic way! He's my boyfriend. Woah he's my boyfriend...oh my god he's my boyfriend! I still can't believe it came true, after all these years, it finally came true.

We broke the hug but Seth has his fingers intertwine with mine, with tears down his face. I can finally call him mine. This is the best fucking day ever!

I used one of my hands and wiped away the tears from Seth's eye, making him smile. Then slowly I moved my hand down to cup his cheek and he leaned against it. 

"I love you Seth, I really do." I whispered.

"I love you too, more than you will ever know." he smiled. 

Then I lean down to place my lips against his, sending sparkles around my body. Seth instantly kisses back and his lips were so soft, more softer than anything. Then I move both of my hands down to his ass, squeezing it a little causing him to moan. I took this chance and slip my tongue into his mouth and he moaned so more. Our tongues fought around for dominance, of course I won. Then our tongues danced around in harmony, this is the best make out I have ever had. After 5 minutes of making out, we broke apart for air. Damn you oxygen.

Seth looks so hot right now, his eyes all lusty, lips all wet and swollen. Fuck I'm getting turned on!

"You look so hot..." I commented and Seth blushed deeper.

"Sh-Shut up!" He pouted, making me chuckle slightly.

I never thought Seth would look this cute, normally he would be quite manly but this is a whole new side of him. I don't want anyone to see it but me.

"Don't show this side of you to anyone but me." I said with my arms wrapped around his waist and his hands clenching on my shirt. "O.K?"

"O.K...." He nodded. "God I'm the girl in the relationship aren't I?" He groaned.

"You sure are, my princess." I teased and he groaned more.

"But erm...Aaron, can we keep it a secret that we're dating from school and my parents? I haven't come out of the closet yet and I haven't told my dad that I'm gay..." He explained.

"Yeah sure no problem...Anything for my 'princess' "I teased some more.

"Shut up!" He whined. He's adorable.


It's a Saturday afternoon and here I am, laying in bed with nothing better to do. Aaron's telling Seth about his feelings today...I wonder how it went. They met up about 2 hours ago and Seth isn't home yet so I'm guessing it went great.

"This is stressful!" I sighed.

Then my phone vibrated on the bedside table, it showed that I had one new message.

'Seth said yes!' Aaron texts me. I thought so he would say yes.

'Great! I'm happy for the both of you!' I text back. A part of me wishes it didn't go well.

'Thanks again Sebastian.' He replied.

'God! Stop saying thank you! I told you he has feelings for you all long, I did nothing'

'Still thank you.' He text then I set my phone back on the table.

Keep your tears in Sebastian! It can't be helped that he's your stepbrother. You can't ruin this for mum! She's already been through enough! 

My mum have always been there for me, ever since the beginning. But my dad. He's a ass-hole! I hate him. I don't normally swear him he is a fucking ass-hole! He made my mum go through such a hard a time. My dad use to always get drunk and come back very late ever since he broke his arm and couldn't work any more. My mum had to take on 3 jobs just to support us, she's my hero. And whenever he was drunk he would beat my mum, taking out all his anger on her. I tried to help my mum, but I was too weak, I was like a freaking twig; he could of just snapped me in half.

But my mum finally stood up for herself and we left him then she met Darren, Seth's dad. So I promised myself I wouldn't ruin this for her. She deserves this. There's probably more guys out there that is for me. Yeah there will be.

~Knock Knock~

"Come in." I said then the door opened and Seth came in. Since when did he come back? "Hey" I greeted as I sat up against the head board. Seth walks in with a slight smile on his face.

"Hey..." He greeted back. Then I patted my bed, signalling him to sit down and he did.

"I guess you're dating Aaron now, am I right?" I winked, though it was fake.

"Yeah.." He beamed. But as long as he's happy then I'm fine. "Thank you Sebastian."

"Why are you thanking me?" I questioned.

"Because you were the one who encouraged Aaron to confess to me and now I'm over the moon." He explained.

"Hey...I am your little brother after all" I smiled.

"Yeah, you're the best." He said then gave me a hug. "If you need anything, just come and tell me and I'll be happy to help or buy for you." He added as he broke away from the hug.

"No it's O.K. I don't need anything." I lied. I could never tell you the truth.

Because I want you.



Me, My Step Brother & My Best Friend (Boyxboy) (IN MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now