Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: What about your story?
Autumns P.O.V

"Just calm down, Dylan." I told him. He was gripping the steering wheel so tight, that his knuckles were pale.

"I can't calm down. I'm going to kill him." Okay, so I've been trying to calm him down for the past ten minutes and it hasn't been working. He's really mad.

I seriously give up.

Go ahead Dylan, kill him. Beat him to a pulp, choke him, suffocate him, stab him, shoot him in the damn balls, throw him in the freaking lake for all I care. 

"Okay, if your going to kill him, can it wait until we get back to the university? I don't want to have been driving for thirty minutes just turn around so you can murder someone." I said in a bored tone.

Dylan looked at me with amusement written across his face.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked. I realized that we were just driving and I had no idea where we were going.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself." Dylan said as he stopped the car and parked it.

I looked around and felt a smile grow on my face. We're at the beach.

But, it seemed empty. Where was everyone? "Are you coming?" Dylan asked as he got out the car. I got out too and I stood taking in the beach.

The sand was a bright yellow and the water was a light blue. The waves crashed into the shore every few seconds. It was really pretty.

I didn't realize Dylan was standing next to me until he spoke. "Nice, isn't it?" He asked staring at the beach.

I nodded. "Yeah. Where is everyone?" I asked him. He turned to me and smiled. He held his hand out and I took it.

"I'll show you." He started leading me down to the beach and when we were in far enough Dylan turned me to my right. Way down the beach, were kids playing in the water. Women were walking around in the smallest bikinis and most people were laying down, probably getting tans.

However, this part of the beach was empty but the scenery was really beautiful. All you could hear were the waves crashing onto sand.

"Follow me." Dylan said as walked towards a whole bunch of rocks. Or should I say boulder. He climbed up one of the boulders and offered me a hand.

I took it and pulled myself up and we sat there next to each other. "So, what do you want to know?" Dylan asked as he looked down at me.

I shrugged. "I hear things about you, Dylan. The things that I hear don't seem to match up with who you are around me. I'm not asking for your life story, I just want to know what you have to say." I told him honestly.

It was true. People are always gossiping about how he has some major anger issues and that he's a bad student. They say he doesn't care about his education and that ever since his 'dad situation' that he's become a drunk and will end up on the streets like another kid who doesn't have their father.

First if all, not all kids without dads are going to end up screwed. Why does everyone always result in that? Secondly, Dylan's not that bad of a guy. I've seen his grades from high school. He's a smart kid. Sure, I've come to realize that he doesn't have the best temper but hey, Not everyone's perfect.

Dylan looked at me and studies my face for a while. "When I was young and back in Italy, everything was fine. My family and I were super close and we all loved each other equally. My mom and dad treated me and my brother like we were the most precious things on earth and the four of us were practically always together."

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