Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: What about my Birthday?!
Autumns P.O.V

I opened my eyes to come face to face with my pillow. Ugh, I hate morning. I sat up on the bed and saw that Dylan wasn't there. He nor Lucas came back last night. Yeah, we were all worried but Ms.Tanya informed me that they'd be fine. Her and Gwen seemed to be used to this.

That says something.

But, on the their hand, it's my birthday! Yay! Twenty-three doesn't feel all that different. Only, one year older.

There were a whole bunch of messages from Tyler, a few cousins, and ect. I smiled when I saw that Tyler texted me exactly at twelve this morning.

My family would probably reach out to me later. It's also thanksgiving and I don't want to make a big deal out of my birthday. I'll just help Ms.Tanya prepare food for tonight, because I don't want my birthday getting in the way of their tradition.

It's almost nine o'clock and Dylan's still not here. Where the hell is he?

I stood up from the bed and walked over to grab my towel. I swung around when I heard the bathroom door open.

Dylan. He was only wearing sweatpants that hung onto his hips and he was drying his hair with a towel.

I tried not to stare at his chest and focus on the fact that he was here. He was safe. Dylan saw me and he froze, with a look on his face. I've never seen that look before. I couldn't really explain it.

"Hey." He said quietly, staring at me.

"Hey." I said back, looking at him cautiously.

Dylan gave me a small smile. "Happy Birthday, baby girl." He was still speaking quietly and the way he said baby girl made my heart flip.

Okay, yes I was a little bothered by yesterday and how he told me to leave him alone but some people really do just need their space.

"Thanks." I shifted the towel on my arms. Dylan sighed.

"Autumn, come here." He said motioning forward. I pursed my lips before slowly walking towards him.

As I stood in front of him, Dylan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I was taken aback but, slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back.
"I'm so sorry, Autumn." He whispered into my ear.

"I know, you were right and that you only wanted to help me, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you and I know I was being an ass. I'm sorry, baby girl." Dylan and whispered into my neck.

"Just know that I would never hurt you intentionally. I care about you too much." My heart was flipping out of control and I'm sure Dylan could feel it  against his stomach.

Yeah, I was pretty upset yesterday but I wasn't that mad. "It's okay, Dylan. I understand you were frustrated." I said lowly. "But, I don't think that's the best way to get over your problems." I told him.

He nodded in my neck. "I know, and I'll work on it. I promise." I smiled against his chest.

When Dylan didn't let me go, I spoke again. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just let me hold you a little longer." He mumbled pulling me closer to him.

I smiled again.

You know that hope that I was talking about back in California? I think it's growing bigger.

Do I have hope that Dylan may have feelings for me?

Hell yeah.


I walked down stairs with Dylan by my side. Everything's cool. Thank God.

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