Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: What about his I.E.D?
Autumns P.O.V

"I.E.D?" Tyler asked as he stuffed his face with potato chips.

I nodded my head. I told Tyler about Dylan's condition, but not his story. It seemed too personal for me to go around blabbing to other people.

"So, your telling me that your falling in love with a fucking time bomb?" Tyler said slowly.

I shrugged. "No, I'm falling in love with Dylan." It shouldn't matter that he had I.E.D. He's still Dylan.

Tyler shoved more chips in his mouth. "Well, Nay, I'm happy for you. May you and your fake boyfriend live happily ever after. May you both strut off Into the sunset riding your white horse."Tyler smiled sarcastically.

I picked up the pillow from his bed and threw it at him. "Ty, stop it. I really like him." I whined.

Seriously, this crush was driving me insane. I could not stop thinking about Dylan. Autumn, get a grip.

"Tyler laughed. "I'm kidding. But seriously, Nay, I am happy for you. Does he like you back?" Tyler asked.

I seriously doubt that Dylan has the same feelings for me. Which always suck. You always like them but they never feel the same way. Love sucks.

He's only dating me so he can get Alexis back, but it seems even when she's not around, he acts like he cares about me. It doesn't matter.

He wants Alexis. He only wants Alexis.

"I don't think so." I told Tyler. "Now, come on, I'm suppose to be helping you study."

I was laying in his bed while he was at his desk. Tyler didn't have a roommate, just like me so his room seemed bigger than Dylan's.

Tyler groaned. "I don't want to study. Studying is boring."

"Come on, you don't want to start the semester with a crap grade. Your gonna fail then get kicked out, and then my best friend is going to be a bum just because he didn't want to freaking study." I tilted my head at him.

"That's it. You're definitely coming with me." Tyler stood up and made his way over to the bed. "Let's go."

I groaned. "No. I don't want to go. Why can't I stay here and be lazy?" I whined.

"Let's go. I will drag you outside if you don't get up." He crossed his arms.

"Oh my gosh, you're making me go outside?" I asked in lazy voice. "Why must you torture me?" Tyler rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm.

He started dragging me off the bed and I held on to the sheets. "Tyler!" He dragged me off the bed and I landed on the floor in a heap. He started dragging me out into the hallway and I couldn't help but laugh. "Tyler!"

He kept dragging me through the halls and the both of us ignored everyone's stares. We were both laughing our heads off while he dragged me through the building and outside.

Once we reached the main doors to the building, Tyler crouched down while I was laying on my back.

"If you don't get up, I will drag you outside in the dirt." Tyler smiled at me. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

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