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Bonus chapter: Family
Autumns P.O.V

"Mommy, mommy stop it tickles!" Hunter screamed and laughed at the same time.

Hazel was beside us laughing as well. Right now, I was in the living room playing with my two kids. I'm sure you know Hazel and Hunter. Our Twins.

All I have to say is that twins are a lot of work. It's double everything.

But, we made it work.

I blew more raspberries into Hunter neck and Hazel kept laughing beside me.

They were both so cute. People say that Hunter looks like me and Hazel looks like Dylan. However, despite all the hard work and constant stress, having two kids isn't bad at all. They make everything worth it.

"How dare you laugh at brother," I smiled at Hazel. "Your next." She screamed while giggling. Hazel and Hunter started running into the kitchen and I chased them on my hands and knees.

When I got to the kitchen, there was feet. Big feet, too big for three year olds.

I looked up and saw Dylan looking down at me with an amused expression. "Hey." I said casually.

He tilted his head. "Yeah, hey. You're on the floor because......?"

I stood up and brushed off my pants. "I was playing with the kids." I told him.

Hazel and Hunter clung onto their fathers leg. "Hi, daddy." They said at the same time. They do that a lot.

"Hey, how are my little trouble makers doing?"

Hunter started jumping up and down. "Daddy, daddy can I go to the gym with you tomorrow. Pretty please!?" Dylan smiled.


Hunter would always go with Dylan to the gym and watch him box. He would always go on and on about how he would be just like Dylan when he grew up. It was cute.

"I don't get what's so great about boxing. It's gross, daddy's always sweating." Hazel crossed her arms.

Dylan bent down and picked her up. "Well, boxings not for everyone. When you get older, you can find something that you like to do."

"She's a girl, she doesn't get men like us, right daddy?" Hunter said proudly up at his dad.

Dylan and I laughed. God, they were so cute. "Right." He responded.

"Okay guys, daddy's home, now it's time to eat." I skipped further into the kitchen with Hunter on my trail. "You wanna help me?" I asked him.

"Ooh, I wanna help!" Hazel screamed in Dylan's arms.

"Wait, you forgot something." Dylan pouted at Hazel. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

Dylan set her down. "Now I feel better."

"Not fair, I said I was helping!" Hunter screamed.

"I said it first!" Hazel yelled back.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Hey, both of you cut it out!" I interrupted them. "Now go wash your hands."

"Sorry, mommy." Hunter mumbled.

"It's fine, baby. Now hurry up, your foods getting cold."

"I'll race you to the bathroom." Hazel jumped. Then the both of them started to run out the kitchen.

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