Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: What about the banquet?Dylan's P

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Chapter 32: What about the banquet?
Dylan's P.O.V

I looked myself in the mirror as I slid on my jacket. Not too bad.

Today's my moms banquet and I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. It was amazing.

I took Autumn to Disney world and I don't think I've had that much fun in my entire life. The whole entire time,Autumn was skipping around like a little toddler, but could you blame her? It was Disney world. I don't think I've ever seen something so adorable in my life.

She kept going up to every princess, prince, any character she saw and I have to say she wasn't lying when she said she was a child at heart.

The entire day, I took little pictures and videos of her, when she was off guard. Not in a creepy way, sort of like memories I was saving.

Also, the other day, I found a book on the nightstand and it happened to be one of Autumns journals. I've never seen that one particularly before so, I skimmed through it and I was surprised when I saw what she wrote about. Me.

It was like her normal journal but, in this one it had little notes about me. Example...

'I thought it was so cute when he said it but now my feelings are all messed up than ever. I'm falling hard for him and not even knowing how he feels is driving me off the edge. Love freaking sucks.

I probably say this a lot but Dylan's not a bad kid. He's sweet, and funny and he's not the person people think he is. I think that's why I'm falling in love with him, there's more to him than the surface. But, where the hell does that leave me? A freaking hopeless romantic. Jeez.'

I thought it was cute. And couldn't stop smiling when I read the other pages, most about me. I like the way Autumn looks at the world, she had a unique perspective. I liked that.

Then, when she quietly blurted out that she was in love me on her birthday, I wanted to laugh. I wanted laugh because I don't even think she even knew that she said it out loud until I told her. I remember how my heart pulled when I heard her say it out loud.

I wanted so badly, to pull her into my arms and tell her over and over again that I loved her too. Being in love with someone is different than how I expected, it's like there's that one person that changes your life in a type a way.

I'm the same Dylan but I now see every moment in my life with Autumn differently.

Jeez, I'm whipped.

I fixed my hair in the mirror before walking back into the bedroom. Autumn has been in the bathroom for a long time getting ready. Usually, It takes her only about ten minutes to throw on her clothes but, it's been like an hour.

"Autumn, you okay in there?" I screamed through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be out in a sec!" I heard her scream back.

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