Chapter 5

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Karma's POV

I have a knife in my pocket. Should I end this now?
I pull out my knife and raise it, about to strike. The cart jolts forward, and the wheel starts moving again. Nagisa pulls away from me, and I quickly put the knife away.

"Phew," he sighs, "I was worried for a second there."

I chuckle nervously. Another chance wasted.
It was late when Nagisa and I left the fair. I was exhausted.

"Karma, if you'd like, you can stay at my place tonight." Nagisa says. "You look like you're gonna die any minute."

"Aw, no it's fine." I say. "I don't want to cause you trouble." I yawn.

"It's no trouble! I'd be glad to let you stay!"

"Really? Well if you insist..."

We arrive at Nagisa's apartment. I flop on his bed. A few minutes later, Nagisa walks out of his closet in pajamas. He looks like a little boy. He crawls in bed.

"If you don't mind I'll be sleeping in my bed next to you." He remarks.

"Oh, should I move?" I ask.

"Nah, it's fine." He waves. "Goodnight." He turns off the light.


364 days till Deadline.

I wake up. Nagisa's not here anymore. I get up
and walk out of his room. I find him in the kitchen making breakfast. It smells like bacon and eggs. How original.

"Oh, good morning Karma!" He smiles.

I nod and sit in a chair. He puts a plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem!" He sits down and eats his own food. He grabbed himself a piece of bread with jelly.

I finished eating and noticed Nagisa had a bit of jelly on the corner of his lips.

"Nagisa you got a little something on your lips." I tell him.

"Hmm?" He looks up and wipes his lips. It's still there.

I chuckle. "Here." I wipe my thumb across his lips.

He blushes. "T-thanks."

"No problem."

We sit in silence for a little longer. Nagisa's phone rings. He checks the number. "Oh, I'll be right back." He stands up and goes to the hallway.

Nagisa's POV

"Hey, Kayano-chan!" I say.

"Nagisa-kun! How have you been?" She answers back.

"Good! How about you?"


"So what did you call for?"

"Oh! So I was planning a reunion for our friends, so that we could connect again! How does that sound?"

"Sounds nice! When?"

"This Sunday. Are you free?"

"Let me check." I walk back into the kitchen and check the calendar on the fridge. Nothing.

"That works great!" I exclaim.

"Great! So Sunday at my house."

"Got it. See you Sunday!"

"You too!!" She hangs up.

"Who was that?" Karma asks.

"My friend Kayano." I answer.

"Oh." He mumbles.

"She's planning a reunion with my friends in Sunday, do you want to come?"

"Sure." He says.

"Okay, I'll let Kayano know."

Karma's POV

"Okay, I'll let Kayano know." Nagisa smiles. I'll make sure to bring my weapons.

I'm on a plane for 3 more hours so hopefully I'll get more chapters done :)

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