Chapter 9

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Karma's POV

When I got back to Nagisa's house, I was exhausted. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. I felt arms wrap around my neck. (A/N: NAGISA'S CHOKING HIM!1!1!1!)

"Hi, Karma~" Nagisa says behind me.

I tilt my head up to look at him. He smiles and hugs me. I kiss the tip his nose and pull him over to sit in my lap. I peck little kisses all over his face. (A/N: Fluffy fluff fluff fluff) He giggles and buries his face in my chest and hugs me for a while. We stay like that for a few minutes.

"Karma, do you want to go get some ice cream?" He asks, pulling back.

"Sure." I smile.

We decide to walk to the ice cream parlor, since it was nearby. He orders vanilla (A/N: I can't think of a flavor, it's 3 am) and I order strawberry. We go for a walk in the park.

"So, Karma..." Nagisa starts a conversation. I respond by humming.

"Do you have a job?"

I almost choke on my waffle cone. "J-job?"

"Yeah... I mean, we're both adults. Most adults have jobs. Then again, I don't really have a job..." He chuckles. "I had a teaching career, but I got fired because my students were too scared of me. One of them told the principal that I had threatened to kill one of them." He rubs his forehead with blank eyes. "W-which I never did!"

I was beginning to think that Nagisa seemed a little weak. I couldn't believe that he was planning to assassinate the president. But seeing this darker side of him... Maybe I thought wrong. Maybe he really is a threat.

"O-oh! Well that's absurd! You're a little muffin, Nagisa!" (A/N: This is probably me speaking, not Karma... He sounds nothing like this wtf) "I don't know why they'd think that!" He nervously laughed.

I'm sorry that I have to do this, Nagisa. I'll let you live until you do it.

A/N- This chapter seems hella short but I ran out of thing to write in this chapter. wHOOpS


P.S. I hope you were late @ "Sydenham" :'D

Bloodlust for Love (Karma x Nagisa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ