Chapter 16

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Karma's POV
(A/N- pReParE yOuR fUCkInG seLvEs)

I back into the corner of the room and pull out my gun. This all seems too familiar. Nagisa is standing next to President Asano, about to pull out something from his back pocket. I'm sorry, Nagisa. I can't let you do this. I aim my gun at him. I love you, Nagisa Shiota. I close my eyes and listen to the ear piercing sound of the gunshot. And then a blood-curdling scream.


I slowly begin to open my eyes. People flee the house, screaming. "Nagisa..." I look down at my gun, shaking. I look back up and see Nagisa on the ground, clutching his bloodied chest. I run over to him, tears escaping my eyes.

"K-Karma..." He coughs out blood.

I hug him tightly. "I'm sorry, Nagisa." I cry out, sobbing to the point where I can hardly see anymore. I look at him again. His shirt is coated in blood. "How could I do this?!"

"Y-you d-did this, Karma?" He looks up at me, tears running down his face. "Why, Karma?!"


No, he didn't." I hear a voice behind me. "I did." That voice, I know it from somewhere... I turn around. Karasuma is standing there, with a gun in his hand.

"W-w-what?!" I shout. "What the hell, Karasuma?!"

He starts to pull on some of his face, a thin layer peeling off.


"T-Takaoka?!" Nagisa spits out.

A crazed man is standing in front of me, with a smile flooded with insanity on his face.

"Nagisa Shiota... You have no idea how long I've waited to see you like this, on the verge of death!" He laughs manically.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yell at him.

"Takaoka." Nagisa tells me.

"Glad you remember!" He shouts.

"W-was that just a mask? And Karasuma being your fake name?" I ask.

"Yep! And this project was fake, too! If I had tried to kill Shiota myself, he would've stopped me! So I had you be the guy to do it. I didn't expect this to happen, though. I saw you hesitating and I knew you weren't going to shoot, so I stepped in!" He laughs again, spreading goosebumps across my skin.

"T-this... WAS FAKE?!" I screamed at him, anger boiling through my body.

"Yep!~ I figured out that he was coming to take this tour, and so I came up with this master plan! And it was going to work, if you didn't fall in love with Shiota!"

"I... You weren't planning on killing the president?" I turn to Nagisa.

He shakes his head. "I would never kill anyone!"

"I-" I turn back to Takaoka, anger taking over my body. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I run over to him and tackle him to the floor. I put my hands on his neck, starting to squeeze, as I watch the color drain from his face. I apply more pressure, a sadistic smile taking over my face.

Nagisa's POV

"K-Karma, stop!" I call out. "It does no good to kill someone!"

"But Nagisa, don't you see?! He almost made me kill you! So, why don't I just kill him and get this over with?! So that he won't interfere anymore?" He smiled, crazily. He squeezed harder, Takaoka's eyes rolling back. So this was Karma's true nature...

"Karma, don't do it! Please!" I yelled, trying to snap him out of his trance. I tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn't let me. "Karma... Please." I whisper, feeling myself start to drift away.

Karma's POV

I've waited to see something like this again, somebody slowly dying in my hands!

"Karma... Please." Nagisa whispers. No, he's going to die! I can't let Nagisa die! Let go! I can't let go of Takaoka's neck. Stop, Nagisa's dying! STOP! I finally let go, and run over to Nagisa. His eyes are closed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Crap! Nagisa, don't die on me!" I cry out.

He opens his eyes slowly and cups my cheek, his hand shaking. "I love you, Karma..." Tears stream down his pale face. His hand falls off of my face, hitting the ground.

"Nagisa! Please! Stay with me!" I shout, shaking him. I hear the sound of sirens getting closer every second. "Please don't leave me." I whisper, crying on his shoulders. He's carried away into the ambulance.

I love you.

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