Chapter 14

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Karma's POV

I started shaking as I picked up the note, worried that Nagisa was no longer here. I read it.

Karma, I went to the grocery store to get some food and stuff. I'll be back in an hour or so.

Love you,


I let out a breath of relief. I'm not waiting for him. I got a coat, went out the door, and drove to the nearest market where I guessed Nagisa would be.

When I got there, Nagisa was in the checkout line. I went over to him.

"Karma, why are you here? I thought you were sleeping..." He asks.

"I wasn't going to wait for you to get back. Plus, with all you bought," I motion my arm toward his pile of groceries, "you wouldn't be able to carry it all by yourself." I took some of the bags and placed them in his cart.

"O-oh, thank you, Karma..." He says, blushing. "W-wait! Did you just imply that I'm not strong enough to carry this all?!"

I kiss his cheek and walk away. "Yes."


"Nagisa, why don't we do something?" (A/N- shut up dirty perverts) I ask Nagisa as we arrive back at the hotel.

"Eh? Like what?" He asks, holding two bags of food. He places them on the counter.

I shrug. "I don't know. But we're on a trip, right? You should have fun on trips..." (A/N- like I said, shut up)

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you have in mind?"

"Glad you asked! Tomorrow, we're going to take a tour of the White House!" My body freezes.

"N-nice." I say, bluntly, feeling pain in my chest.

"Yeah! We're going to see President Asano up close! How cool is that?!"


He frowns at me. "You don't seem all that excited..."

"Oh I am. I'm just tired."

He chuckles. "Really, Karma? You slept on the plane and when we got here!"

"And it wasn't enough apparently..."

"You can sleep more, Karma. I'll make lunch."

"Okay, but let's do something after!"



After Nagisa and I eat, we head out. "Maybe we'll just go for a walk." I suggest. (A/N- MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR PHONES BECAUSE YOU GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL)

"Sounds nice." Nagisa says.

While walking, Nagisa and I find a park to stop at. He runs over to the slide and goes down, laughing when he hits the ground. I walk over to him and help him up. "You really haven't grown up, have you?"

He looks over to the side and blushes. "Shut up." I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

(A/N- I so badly want to put: "It's joke!" Get the reference?) "Just kidding." I quickly kiss him on the lips. He blushes harder. I hold his hand and we walk around some more.


"I had a great day, Karma!" Nagisa exclaims when we walk into our hotel room.

"Me too." I smile, kissing him for the millionth time today. He yawns.

"I'm going to sleep now, okay?" He walks into the bathroom and changes into his pajamas. I do the same and lay on the bed.

"Goodnight, Karma." He kisses me and closes his eyes.

"Goodnight, Nagisa."

He quickly falls asleep but I can't sleep at all. I have to hold back my tears once more as I think about what's coming tomorrow.


"Nagisa?" I call out, hoping he heard. He opens his eyes.


"C-can I hold your hand?" I blush. He smiles.


I fall asleep soon after.




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