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Karma's POV


"No what?"

"I'm not going to wear a dress to our wedding!" Nagisa shouts.

"Aw, but you'd look so cute!" I say, kissing his cheek. He blushes, and pushes me away.

"I'm not going to do it!"

It's been a year since that day. When Nagisa was almost killed. I quit my job as an assassin and Nagisa is back to working as a teacher. Now, we're planning our wedding for next month.

"Come on, Nagisa! For me?~" I chant.


Day of Wedding

I watched Nagisa walk down the isle in his wedding dress, which I had convinced him to wear. I also got him to let his hair down. He blushed when he saw me. When he got up to the stand, I interlocked my fingers with his.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Karma Akabane and Nagisa Shiota in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." (A/N- I got copied this from the internet so blame the Internet is this is wrong :b and now I'm making it my own because I don't want to copy and paste and writing wedding stuff isn't my thing)

I saw Kayano shift in her seat, while looking to the side in disappointment.

"No objections? Well then. Do you, Karma Akabane, take this man, Nagisa Shiota to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

The priest turns to Nagisa. "And do you, Nagisa Shiota, take this man, Karma Akabane to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you both husbands. You may now kiss the groom."

I kneel down so that Nagisa and I can be the same height, and he kisses me. He pulls away.

"I love you, Karma Akabane."

"And I love you, Nagisa Shiota."


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