Hanging off the edge

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I stare out. 11 tributes still alive. The Mockingjay continues to sing. And that's when I remember the promise I made to Katniss. To find 1 or more tributes to get out of the arena for Misson Mockingjay. The sun starts to set, so I walk back in the tower. It's underlined and more like a cave on stilts if you ask me. I think of Crystal at home, watching me. I grab on of my Spears and stand where I could first hear the Mockingjay singing. I see a tribute far off, starting to climb a tree for shelter. Trumpets roar through the arena.

"Hello Tributes." Elissa's voice booms over everything. "Tonight there will be meteor showers, they will be minor and only able to hurt a small area. Get hit by one, and it could cost you your life, or make you hang off the edge of health. Thank, you and good night." She finishes. Two words project around the arena. Fallen Tribute. It shows the image of the tribute who was killed earlier. District 2, Aamiss Zedd. The image fades and the normal nature sounds come back into order.

Reala gets the fire going, and we cook food. I eat up, making sure I won't have to starve, in the future. Ting. Ting. Ting. Something rings in my ears, and I see a parachute fall out of the sky. It's a mentor gift. I look at Reala, and begin to open it. Inside is some sort of tarp, burn cream and a note. "Be ready for the meteors. - Mockingjay". It's from Katniss. I open the tarp, and I see it is sealed with a fire proof crease. As I examine it, I hear a loud scream. Reala perks up and starts looking around.

I see a meteor fall into a corner of the arena. A tower lights on fire a starts shrinking into nothing. Reala and I are silent for what seems to be a long time. We hear no gong to represent the death of a tribute, but again, more trumpets. This time a men's voice comes on. "Elizabeth Huntvine has rebelled against the rebellion becoming a part of the Capitol's side. If you are apart of the rebellion be prepared  to be hunted." Then silence. I walk back into the tower.

"I'm going to sleep." I tell Reala, and then slip into my sleeping bag. Underneath the bag is hard rock, so I don't get to sleep easy. I toss and turn, while staring at Reala's sleeping bag. It is empty, cold and bare. She is still up, and at the fire, obviously.  Finally I fall asleep. I have no dreams at all, and seem to toss and turn more than stay still.

In the Morning...

I wake to a scream. "Reala?!?" I shout. Another scream. "Where are you??" I shout again. This time a shout. "The forcefield!" It is faint. I pull on my weapon bag, run outside, climb down the vines and head in the direction of the forcefield. I pull a spear out of the weapon bag. My feet almost trip over the dirt and rock. The dirt turns harder and harder beneath my boots. Then it turns into rock. I cam see the forcefield. All the trees stop at the rock. There is about 20 feet of rock then it drops off.

I stop running. "Reala?" I shout. "Down here!" She shouts back at me. I walk toward where the shout came from, and look off the drop. I feel something crunch beneath my feet. "Ow! That was my hand you know!" Reala shouts from beneath me. I step back and see her hands clutching the rock for dear life. Off the drop is a deep river with a strong current. If Reala falls she will die, and I can't let that happen.

I grab her hands and step back. She pulls up, scratching something. She is only half way up, when one of her hands slip. "Ugh!!" Reala shouts. I gasp and shake off my bag. With one hand I search for rope, it's not only my weapon bag but my survival kit. I find some. As I put the rope beneath Reala's hand she screams again. The river splashes up and pulls her down a bit. I hear a crack, she broke something.

I pull her up all the way as she starts screaming in pain. I search for bandage, for her wound. "Where did it break?" I ask. "Left. Leg. Ow. Crap." She huffs. I start tending to her leg, as she swears under her breath. If I were to break a leg at home, Crystal would fix it right up, bandage it and tend to me. But now I'm Crystal and Reala is me. She screams again in pain as I  countine to tend to her.

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