Becoming a killer

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My hands shake as I run. Stupid me. Why the heck did I scream? Because I hate this. I should have told Katniss I wanted to do more before the games. I'm done with being a little nobody. If I can win, I'll win for the sake of rebellion not emotion. I stand there. I have to destroy the arena for real attention. Do something like light a forest fire. That will do something won't it?

I grab the matches from my bag. Luck isn't on my side. The matches spill over the ground, and into the mud. "Come on!" I throw the box away from me. So, I start getting dirty, and find a couple matches that I'll be able to still light. I take them, find the box, light the matches, and throw them. Almost immediately a few trees catch fire. This should work for a bit of rebellion right? No. I have to kill someone in the least gruesome way as possible and keep their body hiden.

As I start to run from the fire, I hear the sound of screams. "The camp is going to catch fire!" One voice says. "Get the food!" Another one says. I recognize the voices. Fur and Astria. A thin smile curves through my lips.  I run towards their camp, my spear in hand. When I get close I look at the surroundings. Fire on the right side, and it's spreading slowly. I'll be able to lead them into it. So, I pick an item that I see on one of their sleeping bags. It's a knife.

I plan my escape, and run for the knife. I grab and Fur looks at me. "Hay! Astria she got your poison knife!" He shouts. I hold it far from me. Poison knifes have deadly liquid on the blade. One touch and you'll be an easy kill. I run, Fur and Astria speeding behind me. As I get close to the fire, I slow down. Once I reach the fire I hold the knife out. The blade will catch fire and burn because of the poison. Astria stops. "Don't. You. Dare." She says. I lean closer to the fire. "Let me kill him." I say. "Let me kill him and escape. Then I'll give your knife back."

She nods. Fur catches up, because Astria is a little faster than him and was here before him. I grab my knife from my pocket. I slowly raise it, and aim it in a way that looks like I'm about to throw and miss. "What is she doing?" Fur asks Astria. I take the knife, and slowly move close to me. I'll slice his throat. He won't suffer and it will be quick. "Any last words Fur?" Astria stutters. "I love my family and my girlfriend." He says. I aim the knife.

I throw the knife hitting a tree. It's an act. Make it look like I won't be able to kill him, and it will be easy to. I walk to pick it up. Fur stands stiff. "Astria. Thanks for your patience with me." He says. Astria just nods. She doesn't like the thought of this. I turn around slowly walking to Fur. The blade touches his skin and he shivers. I slice his throat, and he falls. His death isn't  instant. As he takes his last breaths I give the poison knife to Astria. Fur dies in a quiet way. I take his body up into the tree and start running from the fire.

I run on the tops of the trees. Well not run, but jump tree to tree with Fur's dead body in my arms. A chill curves down my spine. I'm a murder. A killer. I'm evil. I bend down. I see the forcefield in the distance. Just need to get there. Do what I did with Reala. So I get back up and hop over there. When I reach the past tree, I throw his body to the ground, and jump onto it. A bit of pain comes in my knee but I ignore it. I don't roll the body, I just throw it in the river.

His body splashes and falls down the current. Maybe Astria is the one I help out. After all she agreed to our deal. She seams like the type who would server a rebellion well, and save other people's lives. I look at the river. It's taken two bodies in its grasp. 9 tributes are alive, only one can win. But I'm going to change that. I'm going to be a rebel. I'm going to find away to help someone out with me. The Hunger games won't push me down.

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