Hopes and Dreams

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I sit there. Finished tending to Reala as much as I can. She shakes in pain. What do I do. Do I leave her here? No, that would be mean. But what else do I do? The blood of her wound starts gushing, and bad. A small puddle of her blood starts forming beside her. She goes pale, and then faints. She's going to die. A tear runs down my cheek. No, not this. She has to survive. I hear a voice in the distance. Another, no several more tributes. I look at Reala. I have to stay here.

The voices get louder and louder. I just stare down at her, Reala. Her body is limp, but she still breathes. I lean down beside her, and slip my hands under her body. She is cold, but breathing still. "Reala, Wake up." I whisper. No response. The voices get louder, and louder. I sit up, with her body in my arms. As I walk, the voices become sharper and I can hear what they are saying. "I told you! There's no one here, and no one is stupid enough to camp out here either." One voice says. That one is a girl. Then the next voice pitches in. "But I swear, on my life, I heard screams in this area." This time it's a boy. "Shut up Fur." The girl pitches into it again. "Really Astria?" Fur asks. They walk off, and shout at each other. 

Reala wakes. "Jewel." She scares me. "Reala! Are you ok...?" I ask. She shakes her head. "No. I think, I am going to die today." She looks at me. A tear rolls down her cheek. "When I die, throw me in the river. I don't want the Capitol people touching or destroying my body. Find vines, and wrap them around me and my wounds." I nod, and snatch some vines off the closest tree. While I wrap the vines around her, she tells me what she wanted to do with her life. "I wanted to find a way to work in the Capitol, but not as an Avox." I stop wrapping. "An Avox?" I ask. "Slaves of the Capitol, who can not talk any more for a bloody reason." She shivers and begins to talk about her family.

I stare at her. "I think it's my time." She says, and I notice the blood slowing trickling out. She has little left. I look at the wound. It covers her leg, and blood dries around it. It is about the size of both my feet put together. "Thank You Jewel." She says. "I don't want to die here. I've been suffering too long with the blood gushing out." She smiles. I nod. It's been about an hour now of me tending to her wound and trying to save her life. I know now I can't save her life, and she wants me to end it. She points over to the river, and I pick her up. The vines give me grip on her cold body. I set her down on the rocks, and her breaths become heavy. "Thank you." She says, and then her breathing stops.

I roll her body into the river, and two tears run down my cheek. I will never know Reala again. I thought I could get her out. Then, I bang my head on the rock. Why was she here in the first place? Something must of lured her. How'd she fall off the edge? Should I should have left her, to die? It would have ended a lot of suffering I had caused her. Suddenly I blame my self with Reala's death. I gave her the wound by pulling her up, and I caused her wound to be more worse then it needed to be. I mouth the words, "I'm sorry Reala." because I can't say them aloud without wanting to throw myself over the drop off. Once I can't handle it, I stand up and grab my stuff. I walk to the tower, that I will leave to another tribute.

I won't stay in that tower, the tower that Reala left for me. I look at it. But then, where do I camp out? Not near here, I'll want to throw myself over the rock. Reala, would stay here, being smart and everything, but I'm not like that. I find places that will keep me safe, not remove me from the chances of killing myself. I find a path of dirt, and start to walk. I'll find somewhere to sleep, and then move in the morning. That will be my routine till I find someone else I can save from dying in the games. I hear the cannon go off for Reala, and I scream. "NO! SHE ISN'T DEAD!!" I realize this was a dumb thing to do, and start running picking up my pace.

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