Death Misson of one

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The hovercraft lands. I stumble out of it onto the ground. My hands clutch the grass. "Hey Jewelie" A voice speaks in my ear. Only Charlie called me Jewelie. I look up. Crystal and Charlie stand behind me. I gasp. "You guys, are alive!" I grasp ahold of Charlie's Hands. "Yes. But I have some news." He smells like coal and dust. "What...?" I know what it could be. Dad could be dead after all. Mom and Erica may have not made it. I shake my head.

"I was told, whilst I was in the mines, that dad is an avox now." Charlie looks at me, tears forming. "Apparently his crime is done by his friends as well. He saved us, for years, from getting picked for the Games. He would always volunteer to put the names inside the glass balls. When he put the names in, he would take ours out. That's, against the law." Crystal stares at me. Dad is an avox. He did a crime that none of us knew. I feel a anger inside of me.

Our dad, who we always thought was the good guy, is a criminal. I shake my head again. "This can't be. He isn't that kind of guy." My hands shake. "That's what I thought." Crystal looks at me. Her hair blows in the wind. Her blue eyes stare at me. I look. "Let's go inside." Charlie mumbles. "Someone is here for you Jewel." Crystal looks at the ground. We walk to ruins of an old building. The ruins, are closed off by a chain link fence.

We climb the fence and get over it. Crystal walks into the building. It's covered in Moss and shows its not going for a appealing look. I walk inside. I go down flights off stairs, following Crystal. I hear a loud door slam close. My legs are tried, and feel weak. Finally I find myself on flat ground. I open the large door. Crystal stands there, smiling. "Woah.." I'm breathless. District 13 was said to be destroyed, but in front of me is a thriving District.

People are all dressed in grey, it must be the dress code. It reminds me of a pit. The bottom of the pit is the lunchroom, and the pit walls are hallways upon hallways of rooms. Crystal shows me to an elevator. "You were in the Capitol Hospital for a week. When the games ended, the Capitol - once again - bombed District 12. This time there is no remains. So Charlie and I came here." Her eyes look at the ground. The elevator opens. Her and I walk into the elevator.  She presses a button and we start moving. I press my back against the elevator wall.

Crystal stares at me, teary eyed. "What?" I grab her shoulders. "They've told us about a death attack, that you and Astria will have to do. You could die while doing it Sis, but you have to do it. You have to kill Elizabeth Huntvine." Crystal stares up at the roof. Her voice cracks and tears fall down her face. "I won't die on you Sis, I promise." My throat is scratchy and dry. She stares at me. "I'll show you to your room, then you have to go see Juliena." The elevator stops and Crystal walks out. I follow her across a long hallway, to a metal door.

My room is Grey, with a black bed. I see the open window, with a bench beneath it. Crystal sits on my bed, staring at a photograph on my bedside table. "Mom and Erica are in the hospital. They were hurt, badly." Her hair falls onto her face. "I don't want to lose you, nor mom or Erica." Crystal's blue eyes focus onto the wall. She stares out. "Well I better get going.." I mumble. She nods. I walk out and close the door. My mind partly is guessing where Juliena could be, so I follow where it tells me to go.

As I walk out of the elevator, I find myself in a basement level. Several doors lead off to offices, or hallways. I find a door that reads: 'Juliena Meric. Co-Leader of District 13 and Misson Mockingjay.'. I open the door. Juliena stands across the room, talking with Astria and another women. "Well isn't it Jewel Everin!" The women smiles. "You can call me President Coin." Her hair is Grey, and she is very pale. "Well, we should get into this." Juliena focuses on me. "Jewel, and Astria, you are being assigned to kill Elizabeth Huntvine. After she is killed, Coin here, will take control of Panem. Astria nods. "I'll do whatever it takes to get rid of the Capitol.

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