Chapter One

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Its five a.m. currently, I can't believe I'm up right now. Giyoung better be lucky I'm her best friend because if I wasn't, I wouldn't wake up this early for her. Today we are supposed to be going to a street concert for a group named Day6, and she insists on being there as early as possible to be able to see them perfectly.

To be quite honest, I don't get what the hype is about boy bands. True talent are artists like Dean and Zion T. Now they are who we should be seeing this early in the morning.

I'm already prepared to leave, but Giyoung obviously has to look perfect because shes meeting her quote on quote "future husband". "Giyoung, come on you made me wake up this early to get a good spot but by the time you are done getting ready it will be too late anyway!" I call and say to her.

"Listen y/n, I have to look the best I have ever looked in my entire life, I have to look good for Young K Oppa."

"Whatever," I laughed at her, "can I pick you up now?"

"Hmmm I guess so, I think I look okay." she said sighing.

"Okay your highness, I'm on my way. See you in a minute."

"Bye Unnie!" she replied with her usual perky self.

I get into my jeep and look at myself in the mirror to see my messy hair and t-shirt. I sigh. What am i getting myself into.


I pull into her driveway to see her sitting on her porch in a really beautiful yellow floral sundress with a jean jacket and brown sandals. I almost chuckle at the comparison of our outfits, considering I'm wearing a t-shirt with jeans and converse. She walks over, her long brown wavy hair swaying as she moves, and gets into my car. She smiles and then frowns at my outfit. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" she shrieked.

"It's a Coldplay shirt?" I answered puzzled pulling my shirt to look at it.


"Uh, yeah? I didn't realize we were meeting royalty." I sarcastically said.

"Of course we are, its Day6! Whatever, it doesn't matter to me, but we should be on our way now. I wanna see my precious babies as soon as possible."

"Okay okay I get it, you love them. I'll drive now." I said turning around while putting my hand on her seat to back out of the driveway.

We are on our way now, and I decide to turn on the albums I have in my car. Obviously Dean's song "Bonnie and Clyde" came on and I began to sing it. "What even is this?" Giyoung asks referring to the music.

"Talent." I replied in a very sassy tone.

"Yeah well this is the worst talent I've ever heard."

I ignore her and continue singing. I see her reach for the volume button and I immediately say, "Hey! driver controls what plays on the radio!" while smacking her hand away.

We stop at one of the red lights and she chuckles. "Sheesh I was only trying to- OH MY GOD" she screams.

I jump right out of my seat. "Dear lord Giyoung you better be glad we weren't driving because I would've driven right off of the-" she stops me mid sentence.


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