Chapter Twelve

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"So do I look okay? What should I say to him? Should I act cool? Should-"

"Are you gonna be able to even survive the car ride there? I haven't ever seen you this way Y/n, it's actually kinda cute." Jae says while driving my car to the JYP entertainment headquarters.

"Listen, I've been waiting for the day I meet him and it's finally here, I'm DEFINITELY not gonna make a fool of myself." I say while looking in the mirror to fix my hair.

"He's a really chill dude, I can't wait to introduce you to everyone else too." I can tell he is really happy right now, I love seeing him like this.

"Wait, isn't Got7 under Jyp entertainment also? I don't listen to them much, but I love one of the members."

"Which member?" Jae asks sounding kinda jealous.

"Junior, if I listened to them he would probably be my 'bias' but I only know a few songs."

"I'm pretty sure they are in the studio today, we can go see them too if you would like." He's back to his sweet tone.

"Definitely! Today is going to be amazing I'm really excited." I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek.


"It's so much cooler in person." I say while standing in front of Jyp entertainment.

Jae opens his mouth to talk but is silenced when someone walks out of the front doors, it's G.soul. "Bro I thought you were staying in today." Jae says walking up to him giving him the signature guy handshake.

"Nah man I have some business to attend to, but isn't there someone you wanted to introduce me to?" He said looking over at me.

My heart stops when we lock eyes, I'm gonna die. "Hi! I'm Y/n, uh, I'm a huge fan, uh-"

"So this is the girl you are always talking to me about. She's very beautiful," He says to Jae then turns to me, "Thank you for supporting me, I wish I could stay longer but I need to leave now. I promise sometime soon we will hang out just us three." He gets into his car.

"Bye!" Jae and I say in unison.

When G.soul pulls away I run and jump into Jae's arms. "I'm so so so so happy oh my god."

"Let's head in now, I'm gonna see if Got7 is here." He grabs my hand and takes me in the front doors.

We head up a flight of stairs after some quick introductions and head into a studio room on the second floor, on the outside of the door says Got7 and I become excited. "Hey guys! She's here!" Jae screams loudly throughout the studio.

All of a sudden a crowd of guys burst out of now where and put their hands on their heads in the shape of hearts. "Welcome Y/n we love you!!"

I feel myself blushing so I cover my face. "Thank you so much guys." I look at the boys and then lock eyes with Junior.

My heart beats fast, he's so much more attractive in person. He begins to walk up to me and I almost have the urge to back up. He grabs my hand and kisses the top of it. "You are very beautiful." He says in his deep voice.

My face is really red now. All the other members are talking and whispering looking at us. "Well, this has been a good meeting time to go bye!" Jae says fast while trying to pull me away from Junior.

"Why do you guys have to leave so early? I would love to talk to her longer." Junior sounds disappointed.

"Yeah well I like talking to my girlfriend too, so I think I'm gonna do that now." He pulls me out of the studio and I turn to see the members laughing but Junior hasn't moved.

"Jae what are you doing?" I say with him still taking me up more stairs.

We walk through another door and I see we are on the roof now. I walk forward and take in the beautiful view of the city around us. "I'm sorry I did that, I just got..." he trails off.

"Jealous, I know, but I promise I'll never leave you. I love you more than anyone. You will always be more important, you know that."

"I know, I just didn't wanna watch another guy hit on you." He sits on the ground and looks at his legs.

I walk over to him and sit on his lap facing him while wraping my arms around the back of his neck. "I love you Park Jaehyung, and always will."

He looks up at me, "I love you too. Please don't ever leave, because I'd be lost without you."

"I won't, I promise."

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