Chapter Ten

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"A sleepover? Like tonight?"

"Yeah! At our dorm! I think it'll be really fun. And we all know Gi will love spending the night with Brian." He smirked at me.

"Yeah I guess it would be a lot of fun. Are you just doing this to get me in your room tonight?" I question him.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I guess you will have to see tonight." 

"Would it be bad for me to say I'm excited to see what'll happen?"

"Oooooo Y/n you are bad." He pokes fun at me.

"Oh stop it, it's not like you aren't thinking the same thing."

"Okay true true, so does that mean you'll come?"

I put my hand on my chin, "Hmm I guess so."

"Yay!!! I'm so happy. Now I need to go back to the dorm and clean because it's extremely messy right now." He leans down, kisses me on the cheek and then walks out of the front door. 


It's been about 5 hours since he left, so I decide to call him and Gi and tell them I'm gonna head over. After getting the okay from them, I got into my car to start driving to the dorm. I turn on the radio and here Day6 playing, I smile and turn it up.

I'm about half way there when I notice some black SUVs following me. What are they doing? Oh god, People saw Jae and I kissing the other day. What if they are paparazzi? I decide to take the back way to their dorm but they follow me anyway. How am I supposed to get out of this situation?

I call Jae very worried. "Jae what am I supposed do? They are gonna follow me right to the dorm and I can't take them there." I say frantically. 

"It's okay, just come here. I'll wait outside for you."

"Are you sure? But wouldn't it be bad if they came to your dorm?" I ask him confused.

"It's okay, I promise." He hangs up before I can respond. 

I continue driving to his house, still watching the SUVs follow. I don't get how idols can live with it when I can barely take a few minutes of it. 

I pull up to the dorm and see the paparazzi already getting out of their cars. Jae comes running out of the front doors to my side of the car. I see the people already crowding around him. He opens my door and puts his arms around me. What is he doing? I soon realize he's taking me out of the car, holding me, pushing through the crowd. Is he protecting me? He walks to the front doors and we both walk in. He grabs my head after locking the doors. "Are you okay? Did they mess with you at all?" 

"No, it's fine Jae. Are you gonna be okay with them out there?" I ask him.

"You are the only person that matters, Y/n." I puts his head into my shoulder. 


"I can't believe they followed you like that, that is completely out of line." Dowoon says when I explain to him the situation.

"Yeah I guess that's what is gonna happen if I date an idol." I respond to him.

Jae was really upset with what happened earlier, so he decided to go for a drive with Brian to sort out his mind. Meanwhile, Gi arrived, and now she, dowoon, and I are all watching a movie together. Wonpil and Sungjin went grocery shopping. "I'm so glad nothing like that has happened to me yet, I don't know what I would do." Gi says to me.

"It was so nervewrecking, I can't imagine how idols do that everyday."

Jae and Brian walk through the doors and Gi gives Brian a hug. Jae comes and lays next to me on the floor, resting his head in my lap while closing his eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I guess so... but you know what would make me feel better?"


He pulls my head down and kisses me but soon breaks the kiss. "I will always protect you, whether it be from paparazzi or even yourself. I'll always be here."

I smile at him, and Dowoon let's out an awkward cough. "Well then, maybe I'll go to my room and sleep since it's late anyway."

"No it's fine, Y/n and I were just about to go to mine. You can stay out here." Jae replies.

He stands up and let's his hand down to help me stand up. We begin to start down the hall, I turn to see Dowoon smiling at me.  I wave back just as I enter Jae's room.

When he brought me in here the first time, I never looked at it clearly because of how overwhelming that day was. His room is a dark blue color, with a large queen size bed and a tv perched on the wall in front of it. He has posters all over his walls with guitars and other instruments around the room. I see beside his bed he has a few photos of us so I go to look at them. "I love this one of us."

I picked up the one of us from the park the other day. He smiles and walks from the other side of the room and gives me a back hug. "I love you a lot, you know that right?"

"Of course I do, I love you too Jae."

For a few moments I just stood there in his arms, and then next thing I know his lips are on mine. He's got his hands in my hair and I wrap my arms around him to pull him closer to me. I feel his heartrate getting faster, which makes me smile while kissing him. I move my hands down to pull his shirt off, and toss it across the room. He pushes me onto the extremely comfortable bed and gets on top of me. "Weren't we in this position not to long ago?" He laughs and says.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I pull him down and we kiss again. He grinds a little on top of me while we kiss and we laugh. He starts moving his hands downward and I bite my lip. He's getting ready to take my shirt off when..

"Hey guys I figured I'd tell you I'm- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY I'LL LEAVE NOW." Dowoon barges in but runs out just as fast seeing Jae on top of me with his shirt off in the process of taking mine off too.

"Poor Dowoonie." Jae says trying not to laugh at the situation at hand.

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