Chapter Six

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"So what you are saying is that he was totally hitting on you the entire time?" Gi says to summarize everything I told her about today.

"I honestly don't think it's like that, I think he was just being nice to me."

"You are so dumb honestly. This smoking hot guy approaches you and flirts with you all day NOT TO MENTION HE'S AN IDOL and you still don't go for him."

"Gi you know I'm not good at stuff like this." I say in almost a sad tone.

"And that's why I'm here to help you," she scoots closer next to me on my queen size bed, "If you really want my help though, you have to tell me how you truthfully feel about him. Because if you don't I could be trying to make something impossible happen."

"I want it to work but I know it's impossible. There is no way he can date a girl like me? I live in a small house in the middle of no where working minimum wage at a coffee shop, and he's an idol! Need I say more?" I'm only upsetting myself more by saying this.

"Listen Y/n, He really showed interest in you today if everything you said was true. You may not see it, but everyone else on the planet does. You just have to give it a chance."

Thinking back, I'm pretty sure today is the happiest I've been in a while. I really did have a good time talking to him today. But could I really make a relationship with an idol work? And would I be ready for everything that would come with that? I close my hands and put them over my face. "Ugh, Gi."


"I think I could like him.." I whisper under my breath.

"Sorry what did you say? I can't hear you." She said leaning her ear toward me.

"I think I could have some sort of feelings for him. But it's honestly to early to even know for su-"

"OMG Y/N THAT'S SO CUTE I WOULD SHIP THAT SO HARD I COULD IMAGINE YOU GUYS TOGETHER AND EVERYTHING!!" she screams at me and gives me a huge hug. "The only thing I can do for you right now is this," she hands me my phone and Jae's contact is up, "Text him."

"I wouldn't know how to start a conversation. What do I say to him? What if I say the wrong thing?" I spit a million questions at her.

"Lemme put it this way. You gave me Young K's number an hour ago and we haven't stopped talking since. And you wanna know how I began the conversation? 'hey', that is literally all you have to say."

I look down at the contact. I guess that is all I have to say, I should just do it and stop being such a baby about it. "I'm gonna do it." i say aloud.

"Yaaaaay! I'm so excited!"

Y/n: Hey um.. this is y/n.

Jae: Hey!!!! I've been wondering if you were actually gonna text me other than to get young k and giyoung to talk lol

Y/n: I didn't know whether to message you or not because I didn't know if you really wanted me to.

Jae: Of course I do. Why do you think I hung around you all day today? Because I think you are really cool.



Y/n: that's really nice of you to say (: if it means anything, I actually did enjoy hanging out with you today, even if I did seem really annoyed the whole time.

Jae: You know how I said I know everything about you?

Y/n: yeah?

Jae: well I knew that too.

Jae: (:

My heart flutters suddenly and my face is grows red. Gi let's out a little laugh while watching me. "Hey!! Why don't you just pay attention to Young K?"

"Because if you saw how cute you look right now, you would be doing the same."

I look down at my oversized yellow t-shirt over black yoga pants with hello kitty socks. I have to admit, I probably look really funny. I looked back down at my phone to continue messaging Jae.

Y/n: I don't even know what to say. I just can't believe how nice you are being to a girl you just met today.

Jae: I'm nice to everyone I meet, you just happen to be extra special.

Y/n: And why is that?

Jae: That is something you will find out in the future.

Y/n: Ugh, must you play these games with me?

Jae: It's fun hehe

Y/n: Well I should go to bed now, I have work tomorrow and can't be late because I took off today to go your concert.

Jae: But aren't you so glad you did?

Y/n: hmmm.. I guess soooooo

Jae: Okay, I'll message you tomorrow. Rest well and sweet dreams. (:

Y/n: Goodnight.

I look up from my phone, and I can't do anything but smile at Gi. "I'm really happy."

"You don't have to tell me twice." she giggled. "You should get some rest now."

I get under my thick blue covers and lay down. Never did I think I would've gone to that concert and came home with an idol who actually seems interested in me? Not even normal guys like me? Honestly, I'm not even gonna question it. I'm just hoping that when I wake up, it's all still true. Because this all really feels like a dream.

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