Chapter Three

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I see the boys beginning to grab the rest of their instruments out of the back of their van and I just cant help but watch that guy. What did the other member say his name was? Jae?

"Y/n! Oh my god I'm so happy right now I can't believe that really happened!" Gi interrupts my thought process with her loud voice and I snap out of my trance.

"Who is he?" I asked gesturing toward the alluring blonde guy.

"Who? Jae?"

"I guess so?" so his name is Jae.

"Well, he is main guitar and he's vocals. He's really funny actually but not like I would know first hand because he was over here talking to you!" her tone becomes excited, "What did he say to you?! What were you guys talking about?! TELL ME EVERYTHING."

"Nothing much really. He just took note of my shirt and made me promise to see him after. But honestly we don't have to it'll probably be late and I have to work-"


"But Gi, let's be real, it's not like he's in love with me. He's probably just gonna sign something for me thinking I'm a fan."

"Either you are staying with me or I'll stay by myself. I'll be sure to give him your number too." she said while folding her arms.

"Oh you wouldn't"

"Oh yes i would."

I think for a moment. Maybe talking with him after wont be a big problem? It's not like I felt nothing when he spoke. And I can't just leave Gi here by herself. I sigh, "Ugh okay, I'll stay."

"YAY I'M SO HAPPY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" she threw herself onto me and gave me a huge hug.

Hopefully this works out well. I shouldn't be but I'm so nervous. Why do I feel this way? What has gotten into me today?


Gi and I are sitting on the ground right now by ourselves because we came so early. They were only a few yards away from us, and I was trying to keep a conversation going on between me and Gi but I can tell she's definitely not interested in what I'm saying. She's staring right at the five guys. I wonder if they find that creepy. I chuckle quietly.

"Why do you find them so fascinating?" I ask which makes her snap right out of her trance.

"What do you mean? Do you see how beautiful they are? Ugh, how is it possible for people to look that good?" She said loud enough for the members to hear and they laugh. She quickly puts her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, they heard me. How embarrassing.." she said in a whisper, her face grew red.

"Hey man, that's what you get. You should've seen yourself earlier, you were crazy." she playfully punched my arm and we began to laugh.

I glance to my left and see Jae is staring back at me. The second we make eye contact he turns away and messes with his guitar some more. Gi takes note of this. "Don't think I didn't see that, I'm onto you guys."

"Trust me there isn't anything to worry about there." I say trying to get her off of the topic.

For some reason, I just cant stop looking at him. He's so intriguing. I need to try not to look at him though. The second Gi finds out I'm having these thoughts she will never stop teasing me. I will constantly hear her mocking my voice "I don't know what people see in boy bands," "They aren't even attractive."

Ugh, what am I getting myself into. "Hey Gi, I think I may rest my eyes a bit, I barely got any sleep."

"Okay Unnie, you can relax." she said smiling.

I decide to rest my head on her leg and I close my eyes. Maybe when I wake up I'll be less stressed. Lets all hope. However right as I get ready to nap, I hear footsteps. I lean up and see Jae over me, my heart races. "Are you tired?"

"A little." I say trying not to make eye contact with him.

He squats down next me and takes off his sweatshirt to hand to me. He reveals that he is wearing the same exact shirt as me. "You can use this as a rest for your head if you'd like to."

"I can't take that from you, how will I get it back to you?"

"It's totally fine, it gives me an excuse to have to find you after." he stands up and walks back to where they are setting up. I turn to see Gi staring at me in awe with her mouth open.

"I don't even know what to say, I'm speechless." she says with her facial expression not changing.

"Then don't say anything, I'm gonna rest." I ball up his large sweatshirt and put it under my head. It smells so good, is this what he smells like? Oh no, what am I thinking?

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