Chapter Sixteen

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Its' been about a month and a half since Jae left to go on tour, and everything around here has basically gone back to normal. I've been going to work everyday, Giyoung has been at my house 24/7, and I've been with my dad a lot. I will say however it has been pretty boring without the guys being here. Seeing how uneventful my life was before meeting them makes me wonder why I never did that sooner. 

But oh boy, do I miss Jae so much. I haven't been able to talk to him since he left because of how busy his schedule is, which I totally understand due to the fact he is an idol on tour. But it would just be nice to hear his voice. I wonder if he's feeling the same way about me? 

"Um Y/n? Are you okay?" I snap out of my trance when I hear my manager talk to me. I look down and see I poured the coffee grinds everywhere but the cup.

"Oh I'm sorry I must've zoned out. I'll clean this up right away." I fumble for paper towels. 

I have been getting lost in my thoughts more frequently, what has gotten into me lately? I hear the door open behind me. "Hello welcome to-" I turn and see Giyoung with an envelope in her hand. "What is that?" 

"You are gonna love me forever." Gi approaches the counter with a smile. 

"What is it?"

"These are tickets." She set the envelope on the counter in front of me.

"Tickets for what?" I ask grabbing the envelope.

"Open it and see." She folds her arms.

I begin to open the envelope and the letters DA become visible. These can't be what I think they are? I pull out the slips of paper inside and see that they are DAY6 concert tickets along with two plane tickets. Instant happiness rushes over my face. "Are these tickets for their last concert in their tour?" I say becoming excited.

"Yep they sure are, aren't I just the most amazing person ever." 

I lean over the counter and give her a huge hug. "I'm so happy! Thank you so much Gi, you are really the best."

I lean back and continue examining the tickets. The time on the plane tickets are for an hour ahead of right now. "Gi you know we have to be at the airport in an hour right?" I say nervously.

"Yep, that's why we are leaving right now." She says turning to walk away.

"But wait! I still have to work-"

"Nope, I got that covered. Joan said she would cover for you." she answers before I could finish my statement. I turn to my right and see Joan smiling.

"I also have nothing ready! I need a bag, I need to get some stuff together-"

"Don't worry, I have a bag of essentials in the car. Will you just come with me already?" She says on the verge of whining.

Before I can give myself time to think, I take my hat and apron off and start for the door. 

"Now thats the Y/n I know." Gi says following me out of the door. 


"I think the correct plane is over there?" Gi says confused while we are trying to look for the right passage.

"It looks like it. Let's go." I walk without putting much more thought into it. 

To get to the concert, we have to fly to a lower part of South Korea. We could've drove, but it would've taken too much time to get there. We start down a hall and see the plane entrance. A sigh of relief is released from us both because we thought we may have been lost. We get onto the plane and walk to the first vacant seats we see. I put our bags up into the compartment above our heads. I feel Gi tug on my pants to get my attention. "What is it?" I say struggling to get the bags to fit.

"That." I look down and see her pointing ahead of us. 

There is a girl, probably around the age 18, wearing a DAY6 shirt. She is talking to a girl next to her and pointing at me. I shut the compartment and quickly sit down. "Do you think she knows I'm Jae's girlfriend?" I whisper to Gi.

"Everyone knows! It was all over social media!" Gi says in a loud whisper.

"Are you serious!? Aish, how am I supposed to get out of this situation? What if she approaches me? What if she yells at me?" I say becoming worried.

"Aw Y/n, I don't know if you have to worry about that. But I think this shows that you are officially famous. People are recognizing you!" Gi sounds awful happy.

"This isn't good Gi!" I sink down in my chair and close my eyes.

Maybe resting will help me, I'm getting a headache and we haven't even gotten to the concert yet.


Around 45 minutes later Gi wakes me up and tells me that we have arrived at our destination. I wipe my very sleepy eyes and grab our bags. I look around and see that everyone but those girls from earlier have already gotten off the plane. I start down the aisle when I see one of the girls start to take photos of me and Gi. I grab Gi's arm and pull her quickly down the stairs of the plane. Gi and I are speed walking through the airport, partially because we don't want to be late to the concert, partially because we don't want those girls to follow us.

We emerge through the airports main entrance and take in the city around us. "Are we taking a taxi?" I ask Gi.

"The venue is only a few blocks down, so we'll just walk. However our tickets are reserved tickets, so we enter a different way than everyone else and get special seating." Gi explains to me.

"Wow, you are so awesome. Do the guys know we are coming?" I ask in awe.

"Nope, but their manager does. That's how I got these tickets in the first place."

"This whole thing is so cool honestly, I can't believe we are actually doing this right now."

"Same dude, it's crazy, but we should start walking now." I see her turn and begin walking down the street. 

I follow closely behind her. Even though we have only been walking for a short while, I can already see the venue, and the massive amounts of fans outside. This is so exciting.

My excitement leaves when I turn around to see the girls from earlier, following us closely just a few feet behind.

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