Chapter Eleven

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"Look bro, you don't have to be embarrassed, it's okay. Nothing was happening." Jae says trying to reassure worried Dowoon.

"It sure didn't look like nothing considering you were-"

"Yeah uh," Jae lets out an awkward laugh, "Let's not dwell on the past, are you okay Dowoon? Cause I kinda wanna get back to the important business at hand." He glances back at me standing in his bedroom doorway and Dowoon laughs.

"Yeah, I'm fine you can get back to your 'business' now." He says with air quotes.

Jae quickly springs up, runs to me, picks me up, and shuts the door behind us. He spins me around while holding me up and then I wrap my legs around him. We just stare at eachother for a few moments, and then breaking the quiet Jae laughs extremely loud. "What?" I question him.

"I don't know, I just can't believe you are here right now. I never imagined having someone as perfect as you. I mean in my dreams obviously but I never thought it would happen in real life."

"You always blow me away with what you say, I never know what to respond. You are just honestly the most amazing guy I have ever met. I guess you could say I'm really glad Gi forced me to go to that concert."

He laughs and then pulls me in tight. I realize he's still holding me up and I say, "Aren't you getting tired of holding me?"

"Nah dude I could stay like this all day, especially because I get to hold your bootay."

"You are terrible oh my god." I laughed at him.

"Not as terrible as what I'm about to do."

"And what is that?"

Without responding he immediately kissed me and laid me onto the bed, this time actually taking my shirt off. I am wearing the same bra as I was when he walked in on me getting dressed and he laughed when he saw it. "So we meet again my old friend." He says implying my bra.

"I can't take you anymore you are too much for me." I said covering my face with my hands.

He pulls my hands away and takes his shirt off, "So don't, let me take you."


The next morning I wake up in his arms, my hands laying on his bare chest. He's not awake yet and he looks so peaceful. His stomach rises and falls while heartbeats bump out against me. This is such a beautiful moment, I wish it could last forever. I lean a little over him so I can grab the tv remote off of his nightstand when he springs to life and pulls me down into him, which caught me really off gaurd. "I gotchu." He says in a silly tone.

"Well it appears so." I say smiling.

It just now dawns on me that my bra is on the other side of the room, so I only have one of Jae's oversized shirt on that I must've put on before I slept. "If you are wondering, you fell asleep before I did. And you weren't... uh.... wearing a shirt or anything. So I thought you would like it if I put a shirt on you in case someone came in. It sounds awkward but-" Jae says shyly.

"That's really sweet." I respond which surprised him.

He's so caring, I love how kind he is and the way that he becomes attached to me. I don't ever want to lose him. He's the best I've ever had and ever will have. After laying my head on his chest after a few minutes, I move up to straddle his body and I say, "Jae, I love you so much honestly. I don't know what I would do without you. Having you in my life has made everything better for me. And I never want to lose you." I say almost tearing up.

He sits up a little bit with me still on him and pulls me into a hug. "You won't ever lose me, I promise." He rubs my back.

I feel so at home in his arms, like this is the place I really belong.


After that we fell asleep in that position for another 2 hours. He fell asleep with his head laying on my shoulder, holding me tightly while I was on his lap. This time he was the first person to wake up, telling me that he has to use the bathroom. So I moved off of him and curled up with the blankets for a few moments and then I sit up at the side of the bed. I stroll across the room to where Jae's closet is, to find pajama pants that'll fit me, because I can't really go out there in my underwear. But just as I start doing that he comes back. "Everyone left, we are the only ones here right now. So you dont need to worry about that."

"Where did they all go?" I ask walking a little closer to him.

"It seems like Dowoon, Sungjin, and Wonpil went to headquarters to get some work done, and Young K and Gi are probably out doing couply stuff."

"Headquarters? And couply stuff?" I walk to him and wrap my arms around him, "I like the sound of doing couply stuff."

"You know JYP entertainment?"

"Yes! One of the artists I love is under that!" I say exploding.

"Well that's the company I'm signed under. Would you like to visit today?" He asks me.

"Yes! Of course!" I smile really big and squeeze him tightly.

He begins to walk away to make breafast but stops, "Who is the artist you are excited to see?"

"G.soul, I've loved his music for a while."

"Well I guess I'll just have to call in to make sure he's at headquarters today." He smiles.

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