Chapter Eighteen

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"Y/n, you gotta get up or you'll be late to your own wedding preparation!" Giyoung sits beside my bed shaking me awake.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just five more minutes," I say while rolling over in my bed and pulling the covers over my head.

Just as I begin to rest again, Gi heaves a pillow straight at my head, jolting me upward. "WAKE UP! Do not make me call Jae over here." She says sternly.

"Oooooo, I'm sooooo scared. What is he gonna do? He doesn't have a mean bone in his body." I say sarcastically.

"Oh really?" I hear a different but familiar voice. Jae turns the corner into my field of view. "I can be pretty mean if you get what I'm sayin," he winks and comes onto the bed, with his face only centimeters away from mine.

"Uhh can you guys not do this when I'm right here?" Gi says while covering her face.

I push Jae away, "I need to get up, I have to go to the venue to make sure everything is alright and ready to go for today. And you," I point at him, "need to leave so that Gi can take my dress out and make sure it's the way it needs to be before the wedding."

"Aw but why can't I see?" He says with puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"Because you can see it at the wedding today. I want to surprise you."

"Okay I guess, I'm more excited to see you out of it tonight though.." He says getting closer to me.

"Okay! I'm getting up," I roll off the side of the bed and stand up.

Jae gets under the covers completely. I laugh and grab my clothes for the day. A pair of black athletic shorts and a Heather gray Day6 shirt with sneakers. I get changed in the bathroom quickly and then walk into the kitchen. I grab my car keys and cell phone off of the counter. "Okay I'm getting ready to leave now, I love you guys." I announce.

"I love you!" They both say in unison.

"Jae you better leave, please don't ruin the surprise." I walk toward the door when all of a sudden I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Jae only inches away from me.

He picks me up and kisses me, I wrap my legs around his body and my arms around his neck. I pull away, "please leave now, I need to get ready."

"Alright, alright I guess I'll leave," he puts me down, "but just you wait until tonight, it's gonna be lit."

"Mhm, definitely," I laugh and roll my eyes, "Gi, I'll talk to you later. I should be back in an hour. Since the wedding starts at 4, I have around 5 hours to make sure everything is picture perfect."

"Everything will be picture perfect as long as you are there." Jae says in a cutesy voice.

Before I can tell him to leave again he kisses my cheek and walks out of the door. I walk out right behind him.


"Gi I'm home! Do you have the dress pressed?"

"Yes! And it looks beautiful. But I know it will look even more beautiful on you." I see the dress hanging from my closet door.

I walk over to the dress to admire it. It's a pure white, floor length, strapless, lace dress. The dress morphs to my curves at the top, and flares outward at the bottom. It's truly the prettiest dress I have ever laid eyes on. "Yanno what Gi, I haven't told you this in a while, but I really appreciate you. And all that you do for me. You make me the happiest person, and I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. You complete me. I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me, you are the best friend a girl could have."

"That means a lot to me Y/n, without you, I probably wouldn't even be here. I'd be a literal mess." She chuckles.

I reach out and give her the biggest hug. "Thank you for helping me on my wedding day."

"What are sisters for?"


"Okay so there's only about an hour until the wedding begins, and I already have my hair and makeup done so that just leaves the dress. All of the last minute preparations are finished right?" I say to Gi on the phone.

"Yep, I'm coming back to the house right now to help you get into the dress, wouldn't want your beautiful hair and makeup get messed up."

"You haven't even seen me yet," I laugh.

"I don't have to to know you look beautiful," She says cheerfully, "I should be home in 5 minutes." She hangs up.


"I'm here! Now let's get you in this dress." She bursts through the door and immediately heads for the dress.

Before I can speak she tells me to take my robe off and step into the dress. I stick my slender legs into it, and Gi proceeds to pull the tight dress up and through my arms. When she zippers the back I feel the dress pull, and wrap around my body. It's almost like a glove, it fits so perfectly. Gi stands back and looks at me, "See, I knew you'd look beautiful."

I was about to look at myself in the full body mirror when Gi stops me dead in my tracks, "You can't look until you have the shoes on, wait a sec."

She darts for the back room and within a few seconds returns with the shoes. They are pure white, like the dress, and has a strap around the ankle. They have a satin feel to them. I sit so she can put the shoes on for me, she bends down and puts the shoes on one by one. I stand, and I feel a lot taller. "What is the height of these heels? I feel like a giant."

"They are 6 inches, but I still don't think your Jae's height." We both laugh.

We notice that a lot of time has gone by, and we have around 20 minutes until the wedding starts. I take a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm getting married."

"I'm really happy for you guys, y'all are a-dor-a-ble, forreal," she says emphasizing her words, "Are you ready to go?"

"I think so, I have dreamed of this day since I was a little girl, and now it's really happening. I can't wait to get married to the love of my life." Just as I say that my phone buzzes. I turn on my phone and see it's Jae.

Jae: Hello beautiful, you don't have to respond because I'm sure you're busy preparing for the wedding, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm super excited to be able to call your Mrs. park. I love you Y/n.
P.s- I have a surprise for you after, you betta get yo-self ready for alla dis

I laugh at my phone and look up at Gi, "I'm ready, let's go."


Hey guys!! This is the first part of the wedding chapters that I'm gonna do, and I hope you liked it! It's a little slow right now, but next chapter it's gonna pick up. I should have the next part out by the end of tomorrow (but don't hold me on that lol).

Also, Thank you all for the overwhelming support for my story, it means a lot. 🤗❤️

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