Chapter Thirteen

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"Can you believe he actually thought he could hit on her in front of me? Who does he think he is?" Jae says frustratingly to both Wonpil and Sungjin.

"Hey man who wouldn't?" Sungjin says looking at me from across the room.

"Hey!" Jae says while shoving a pillow into his face, knocking poor Sungjin out of his chair.

I laugh at the sight of Sungjin on the floor and then walk over to Jae and bend down next to his chair. I grab his chin to turn his head to me, "Now why did you do that?" I said playfully while smirking. 

"Did you hear what he said? Why wouldn't I do that?" He said whining.

"It's too hard to be mad at you, you are too cute." I say still holding his face.

He smiles and then gives me a peck on the lips. "You guys are so cute," Wonpil says watching us.

"Yeah right," Sungjin says getting off of the floor.

Jae rolls his eyes playfully and stands up out of the chair. 


It's night time now, and Jae and I decided to go back to my house for the night. He walked into the door and fell onto the floor. I trip over him not noticing what he had done and i fell to the floor. Jae lets out a loud laugh, and I felt his body move under me, which in turn made me laugh also. Just barely getting it out without laughing Jae says, "It's moments like these that make me happiest."

"What? You mean moments when we both come to the realization we are the clumsiest human beings on this planet?" I responded while pushing myself off of him and then onto my knees. I turned and shut the door. 

I sat back onto my calves and looked at Jae who was still laying on the ground. "Is there a reason you are still like that?" I chuckled and poked his tummy.

"It feels nice being here, I feel like I'm at home."

I lay down and grab his arm to put around me, "Well I'm glad you feel that way." I rest my arm on his stomach and snuggle into him. "You do know we are laying on the floor right?" I look up at him and say. 

"I'm actually quite comfortable, I could probably stay like this all night." 

"Ha ha, very funny," I get out of his arms and stand up, "If we stay like that then we can't do couply stuff."

"I can think of a few couply things we could do laying there." He smirks and playfully grabs my legs while I step over him to walk to my living room. 

"Oh get up and come over to the living room with me." 

"Okay okay I'm getting up."

I walk over to the stand next to my couch and look through my movie collection. I see one of my favorite movies, "Deadpool", and I show it to Jae. "Wow, I never thought you would be the kind of person to like those type of movies."

"Are you saying that because I'm a girl?" I say walking close to him.

"I don't know, but I do know that I like seeing you angry like this." He grabs me and pulls me into him.

I push away from him, "Let's watch the movie." I smirk and walk over to my DVD player under the TV to put the movie in.

Jae sits on the couch and cradles a pillow in his lap. I press the close button and then walk back to the couch to sit next to him. I look down at the pillow in his lap, "Is that pillow better than me?"

"I don't know, this pillow is comfortable and isn't mean to me." He says stroking the pillow.

I push the pillow off his lap and I sit onto him. "Isn't this better than a pillow?" 

He wraps his arms around my lower back, "Yeah I guess," he smiles at me. 

I lean in and kiss him passionately. He takes one of his arms off of my lower back and runs his hand through my hair. He pulls me into him more when we hear the main menu come on. I chuckle and roll to the other side of the couch. I grab the remote and press play. He sighs, "Why must we always be interrupted? "

"Oh just watch the movie." I say staring at the screen. 

He lays across the couch and puts his head in my lap and looks up at me. "You are awful cute when you are focused."

"You say that whenever I'm doing anything." I look down at him. 



I don't ever remember us falling asleep, but I open my eyes to see the main menu on the TV screen, and Jae's arms wrapped around me. I roll over while staying in his arms, we are face to face. I see him peacefully sleeping, I feel his exhales on my face and I smile. I scoot up a bit and kiss him on the lips. He doesn't open his eyes, but I feel his arms pull me into him more. I intertwine my legs with his, and put one of my arms behind his neck and one resting on his side. His pulls away and opens his eyes. "Man I can't see a thing." He pulls his arms away and fumbles for his glasses on the table next to the couch.

He is the cutest person when he is sleepy, his voice gets raspy and deep. He makes me melt. "Jae, I love you a lot. You know that right?" I say after he placed his glasses on his face.

"Y/n, I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

"You are seriously so cute." I say to him smiling.

"I'm so lucky to have you, I can't put into words how much you mean to me." he pulls me into him and he gives me a tight hug.

I turn my head and look at the clock to see that the time is 3:22 am. "Do you want to go to bed? I'm sure you'll be way more comfortable there."

Without responding he slides out from beside me and stands up. Before I can move to get up I feel him slip his arms under me. Soon I find myself in his arms, he's carrying me bridal style to the bed. He walks over to the bed and lays me down. He walks to the other side and slips in under the covers while bringing them over me as well.

He leans over me, gives me a kiss on the cheek, and spoons me. "Goodnight my love." I hear his smooth voice from right behind me say.

"Goodnight." I pull his hand up and kiss it.

We intertwine our fingers and legs, and then soon enough we fall asleep. Both of us resting easy, content with how the night went.

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