Chapter Fifteen

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"You have to leave? Why?" I say frantically to Jae.

"We are going on tour for about two months I believe." Jae says scratching his neck.

"Really? I'm gonna miss you so much, I don't want you to leave." I walked and gave him a hug.

"It's only two months, I promise it'll be over soon enough. I'll miss you too."

"When do you have to leave?" I look up at his face.

"Tomorrow morning." He says with a sigh.

"Oh my god! You have to spend the night, I wanna spend tonight with you." I plead.

"I was planning on it anyway love, I already have my things packed and prepared so I can spend all of my remaining time with you." He smiles like a goof ball and I laugh at him. 


It's 7:36 pm right now, so Jae and I decide to eat the ramen Gi gave us for dinner. As I am trying to eat I can feel Jae looking at me. I look up and see that he is in fact staring back at me. "Why are you looking at me?"

"I want to look at you as much as I can right now because I won't be able to look at that beautiful face for two months." He said, his eyes locked with mine.

I begin to blush, I look back down at my food which is pretty much gone now. He reaches his hand across the table and pulls me head up to look at him. He leans in a kisses me, catching me by surprise due to the fact I was still eating. He pulls away soon after, "You are so adorable." He is blushing now too.

I want to hold him, kiss him, love him. I almost can't hold myself back. I stand up and walk over to the other side of the table. He gives me a confused look, but soon understands the situation as I pull him out of the chair and close to me. I put my hand behind his neck, lowering his lips to mine. There is a small gap between us, but he quickly closes the gap by crashing his lips into mine, taking me aback a bit. Our kissing becomes more passionate, we begin walking backward, trying to find the couch. I find the couch quicker than I thought I would, and I fell onto it bringing him down on top of me. We both laugh as we lay there, but then we just look at each other. I really want him, and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he wants me too.  He soon puts his lips back onto mine. He smiles into the kiss. He sits up and straddles me, he works his hands down to the bottom of my shirt and pulls it off of me. My light blue lace bra is revealed, which I can tell he likes.

He works his hands up my sides until he gets back to my face. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "take my shirt off." 

I follow what he says and pull his shirt off, exposing his toned torso. I smile and put my hands on his stomach. "Stop teasing me already." I exclaim at him.

He gets up pulling me off of the couch and brings me over to the bed. We stand in front of the bed for a moment before I bent down pulling his pants down exposing his dark purple boxers. I turn him and push him onto the bed, then I climb on top of him. He reaches around me unhooking my bra, his eyes widen and I let out a laugh. "It's not like it's the first time we've done this." I say to him. 

"How was I so lucky to have been blessed with such a beautiful girl like you?" He pulls my pants down and then I straddle his body. He smiles when he realized I had matching underwear. "Do you always wear such cute underwear?" He says playing with my bottoms.

"Only for you." I say before going down and kissing him. I grind on top of him, causing him to become excited. I can feel him become more and more impatient with my teasing and I chuckle a little.

He plays with my long wavy hair, "I'm such a lucky man." 

I lean down to begin kissing his neck moving up each time I gave him a kiss until I reached his lips once again. I hovered over his lips, I feel his hands moving lower down my body until he reached my underwear. "Let's hope this time we aren't interrupted. " He smirks and says to me in a deep voice.

"Oh trust me, I don't think we will be."


I wake up and check the time, the clock says 4:38 am. I turn over and see Jae with his eyes closed, smiling. We are both still unclothed, and so I slide over in the bed to him and cuddle him. I pull him closer to me and he opens his eyes. "Is that a call for round two?" He says jokingly.

I giggled a little at his statement, and I feel him reach around and put his hand on my butt. I could stay like this forever, it's gonna be so hard not seeing him for two months. I hear the alarm go off on his phone, indicating that it was time for him to get ready to leave. He turns, letting go of me, to press dismiss on the alarm. He sighs and then pulls me onto him. "While I'm gone, please don't hang out with other guys. I'll be heartbroken."

"I should say the same to you." I reply.

"I don't think you'll see me with other guys any time soon." He said sarcastically.

I playfully punch him, "You know what I meant."

"Yes I do, I just enjoy teasing you." He smiles.

"I promise I won't think of anyone but you while you are gone." I become serious.

"I also make the same promise." 

I lean down to kiss him when his phone rings, Wonpil is calling him.

"Aish he always calls me at the wrong times," He answers the phones, "Hello? Yes I know I know I'm getting up. I'll be over in like 10 minutes. Bye bye."

He hangs up the phone and I get off of him. "Where do you think you are going?" He exclaims.

"You have to leave in 10 minutes, you better get ready." I get out of bed and grab my bathrobe. 

"Yah! You are no fun." He pouts. 

I stick my tongue out at him and walk to go and put on clothes.


"Thank god you are finally here! We were just getting ready to leave without you." Sungjin jokingly says as we pull up.

"Yeah yeah, I'm here now. So let's go!" Jae becomes excited. The other members start for the van. 

Gi is saying goodbye to Young K, and Jae still stands in front of me. "I'm gonna miss you a lot." He looks down at me and says. 

"I'm gonna miss you too." 

Dowoon yells and says they have to go, so Jae leans down and gives me a very passionate kiss pushing me against my jeep. "Dang Jae! You are wiiiiiild!" Young K says teasing him.

Jae rolls his eyes and then walks over to the van dragging Young K with him. Gi walks over and stands beside me. We both wave goodbye as our boyfriends pull away from the curb and start down the road. 

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