Justin Bieber.

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"I'll get it." I heard on the other side of the door.

"Hey." I said kissing her cheek, after she opened the door.

"Hey. Why are you panting, did you run?' 

"Yes, I thought I was running late. So I skipped breakfast and ran here."

"Aww, but you have 10 mintues left. Come, we have some food left." She got my hand and walked me to the dining room.

"Morning, Justin. Sit down and have some food. You look hungry." Her mom said and winked at me. Lily rolled her eyes and sat down too, while her mom got their plates from the table and got a new one for me.

"I'll just get my bag. Just get something you like. The waffles are still a bit warm, there's also some cereal if you like. I'll be right back." I smiled and nodded. She kissed my cheek and got up again.

 "I'm done."  I heard a few minutes later.

"Just in time." I said, looking at the watch I wasn't wearing.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. She kissed her mom on the cheek and hugged her.

"Have fun sweetie!" Helen said.

"Thanks mom." 

"Okay, now I'm ready." She said speedwalking to the hallway. I laughed and opened the front door.

She got her jacket and walked out of the door. I closed the door behind me and got hold of her hand.

"Excited?" I asked. She smiled.


We continued to walk to my car and got in, driving to the building Scooter send me the address of.

"Well... of we go now." I said while we were on the highway.

"I'm getting a bit nervous." I smiled at her and held her hand.

"Don't worry. I'll be by your side." I saw her smile a little.

We drove for about, 2 hours and I parked the car next to the building.

We got out and walked towards the entrance. I looked at Lily and she looked very nervous.

I smiled and put my arm around her,

"Don't worry." I whispered before we went in.

"Hello, welcome to Hollywood Records. How can I help you?" The lady behind the computer asked.

"Yes, we're here to meet Scooter Braun." 

"Mister Bieber and Miss Jacobs?" 

"That's right."

"Okay, I have to check your ID's, office rules." 

We got our ID's and gave them to her. She looked at them for a minute and gave them back.

"Thank you. You can wait over there. I'll tell him you're here."

"Thanks." I said and we went to sit on one of the benches there and just waited.

Lifesaver ~ Justin Bieber [TO NOT BE CONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now