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I am very sorry if you were reading this story. But I'm not going to continue.

Why am I not going to continue? I'll be honest with you.

1. At first I was very busy with school and work.

2. I personally thing Justin (in real life) has become a ....  (comment deleted) He can say he wants to 'change' etc. but I don't believe any of that.

I can not call myself a 'Belieber' anymore. Maybe in the future, when he releases new music... maybe I'll listen to it, but a Belieber? Nope, I won't be one again.

Again, I'm really sorry.

It seemed some people got a little triggered by this.

I get it.
You are still a fan or Belieber... but I'm not.

But... didn't Beliebers support each other? Trying to be nice to people who aren't a fan or their idol?
I've barely seen anyone who tries to understand me.

And I know that I maybe should've said it differently, but it's the way it is.

Thanks to the people who understand.
The ones that don't, well... I don't even know what to say.
Just try being nice and even if you don't agree... Try to understand.



Lifesaver ~ Justin Bieber [TO NOT BE CONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now