Finding Happiness

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Caden woke up before sunrise. There was a sickly sweet taste in his mouth and it felt as if his tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth. Without doubt the morning after the marshmallows.

Groggily, he pushed himself up into a sitting position and yawned. A smile crept on his face when he remembered all of what had happened yesterday. The trip to town, the new books, Oliver, roasting marshmallows with Michael.

Despite not having any friends, a decent job or some sort of complex education he was happy. Because this moment just felt utterly perfect.

The rain had stopped but the sky was still gloomy and the forest full of white fog. He scrunched up his nose and opened the window nevertheless to let in some fresh air. Shivering, he dove back under his blanket and drew it up to his nose.

The cabin was quiet and he couldn't make out any scents of food so he guessed Michael was still asleep or at least in bed. Perhaps now was the opportunity to try out this mythical Latte Macchiato. He knew that Michael kept a tin of coffee somewhere around the kitchen and they had bought milk yesterday so it was virtually possible. Then again he had no clue how to make this beverage without asking Michael who obviously wasn't fond of Oliver.

Caden bit his bottom lip. Maybe he could meet up with the redhead and go to this bakery. But Michael would never allow that. Was he jealous? Jealous because Caden had made a friend? The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. Wasn't Michael happy for him?

He sighed heavily in defeat. He really wanted to do new things and talking with Oliver would be something he had never done before, not to this extent. And why would Michael forbid it? It wasn't even dangerous in any way!

With his mind made up, Caden slipped out of bed and shoved some clothes into a backpack. Cautiously he crept down the stairs and listened out for any signs of Michael being awake but heard nothing. He scribbled a note for the bear, claiming to be on a long run, and then opened the front door. A blast of cool air made him shiver and he hastily slipped outside, shedding the clothes he had slept in and leaving them just inside the door before closing it completely.

He concentrated on his breathing, the way his whole body expanded with every intake of air and deflated equally while letting it rush back out. Slowly, his muscles began to morph under his skin, forcing his bones to rearrange themselves to accommodate to the change.

Caden fell on his front paws, panting heavily and swaying. It didn't take long to get control back over his new body and he picked up the backpack with his jaws and set off into the woods. Trees zoomed by, his paws effortlessly avoiding sticks and leaves that could crunch under his weight. Although he wasn't on the hunt he didn't want to startle every single animal in the vicinity.

He let his instincts guide him, his lithe form easily weaving down the mountainside. It was thrilling and he could feel the sheer endless strength vibrating through his limbs. His ears picked up so much more sounds and his amber eyes constantly swiveled over his surroundings, checking for dangers and searching adventures.

He was literally wild and free and truly happy.

Dayton emerged too soon in front of him and he decided to circle the town first to find a good spot before actually shifting back.

It was still in the morning but most people already went to work and the streets were kind of empty. He stopped behind an alley which was nearest to the trees and let the backpack fall on the ground. A few minutes later he sat naked on the ground, blinking to get the black spots out of his vision.

With still shaky hands he zipped open the bag and retrieved his clothes. It wasn't anything fancy, just a pair of shoes, socks, underwear, pants and a warm pullover. People would look at him strangely if he would run around their town barefoot.

The Woods ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ