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It hurt to shift.

Just like taking on his human form the first time after three years it now hurt to give it up. He clawed at the ground while his body twisted and jerked, safely hidden behind some bushes so nobody could accidentally see him.

He wanted somebody to help him, to lead him through the change so he actually had a clue what he was doing. He wanted Michael to soothe him and take the pain away. He wanted him to be here! Brokenly he cried out, a tortured sound somewhere between a sob and a yowl.

Maybe it was a horrible plan, and his body was obviously refusing his will. Why was everything so difficult? He just wanted it to stop. The gnawing feeling in his chest, the confusion, the helplessness, it had to stop!

In the end he managed to shift and lay trembling on the cold forest soil. The clothes he had shed before were in a neat pile beneath an oak so Robin would find them. The lion had done so much and Caden didn't want to steal or destroy his things.

He pushed himself up and got acquainted with his new body. His limbs felt a little bit stiff and he wanted to clean his fur badly but it wouldn't matter anymore when he went through with his plan. Slowly he began walking, his tail flicking back and forth lazily.

It was okay. No need to think about the past or the future.

The forest was quiet and seemingly held his breath in preparation for the approaching day. Nocturnal animals had already retreated to their hiding places while the diurnal animals cautiously waited for the darkness to fade completely.

A young buck limped down a slope not far from Caden and he observed the injured prey for several minutes. It would be easy to hunt it down. An easy meal he wouldn't have turned down in the past. Now he could only think that he felt as wounded as the buck. They both clung on to life but knew that their time was ticking by fast. Perhaps a few more days until their heartbeats fell silent.

Caden trudged deeper into the woods while the sky got coated in a light pinkish glow that didn't reach past the tree tops. He only caught glimpses of it though he couldn't enjoy it's beauty.

He was aware of the other animals that scurried out of his way and waited with bated breath for him to pass by. They wanted so badly to stay alive although death claimed everyone in the end.

Gradually, the pink turned orange.

He felt at peace out here and his frantic thoughts calmed down a bit. Being human was far more difficult and he often didn't understand how to behave correctly. It was definitely better to be an animal.

The backyard he had snatched the rabbit out of was his first destination because those humans likely started their search there. Hidden in the shadows of the trees he watched the house intently. It was mostly dark and the blinds drawn shut but on the ground floor was a single window illuminated. A woman with coppery hair moved around in the kitchen. She fixed herself a cup of coffee - with two spoons of sugar and a little bit of milk - and sat down at the breakfast bar to thumb through some boulevard magazine. It was probably the mother of the little girl.

After she had finished the coffee she left the kitchen and Caden's ears flicked curiously. A few moments later a window on the first floor was illuminated, too. It was obviously the bathroom, the walls were tiled and he saw a shower. When the woman began to undress he turned around and disappeared back into the woods.

At a random spot he sat down and waited. He was relaxed because after all he was in the forest where he belonged and he kept telling himself that it was for the best. The pain would finally disappear and the lions would be able to go on with their lives like they used to.

It was really, truly okay.

Soon - sooner than expected - he heard footsteps and he fought down the instinct to flee. They headed vaguely in his direction and he hoped that a gun was accompanying whoever was coming for him. Hopefully they did it as painless as possible.

But perhaps he deserved the pain, deserved to be overwhelmed by fear and agony like Michael had been. He closed his eyes and his senses were assaulted by images of the bear's dead body. The single bullet hole in his skull. Those empty eyes. The cold flesh.

Caden opened his eyes, determined to not move from this spot until it was over. He wasn't some weak human, he was a strong cougar.

His ears twitched to pick up any sound. The footsteps weren't rushed but they were purposeful and didn't falter for even a second. The hunter knew where his prey was and was positive that he would catch it no matter what. Admittedly, he was right because Caden wasn't about to go anywhere.

The person stopped behind him however Caden didn't bother to turn around. At the end they just would feel guilty and wouldn't manage to pull the trigger or something like that.

The human didn't move and Caden couldn't fight the impatience. He wasn't fond of sitting here all day.

"You're a brat, you know that?"

He whirled around, a raspy hiss coming out of his throat.

Why the hell couldn't that stupid lion leave him the fuck alone?

Ajax stood there in the middle of the forest and was still completely naked. Caden wondered for a moment if he wasn't cold without fur but dismissed the thought immediately.

"Quit behaving like a child," Ajax growled whereupon Caden answered with another threatening hiss.

Something changed about the other man. He didn't shift but his stance changed and there was a fierce wilderness in his eyes that made Caden actually stumble back. His instincts urged him to run from the stronger predator however he was frozen and watched wide-eyed as he stalked closer.

The man loomed over him like some force of nature, almost drawing a chirp out of him. Caden wanted to drop to the ground to show the man his vulnerable belly but he forced all those instincts down and instead bared his canines to get the message across. Fuck off.

Ajax bared his own teeth and although they were human and blunt Caden flinched back and his tail flicked back and forth nervously. He knew what the alpha male was capable of and his body trembled in fearful expectation.

For several long moments they just stared at each other until Caden couldn't stand it anymore. Reluctantly he lowered his gaze along with his body. His tail was tucked between his hind legs and his ears pressed to his head. He didn't dare to look up and meet Ajax' intimidating eyes.

The silence stretched painfully and in the end he rolled onto his side, belly and throat exposed in submission. Every fiber of his being quivered in fear.

He expected a punch or a kick however Ajax crouched down besides him and Caden drew in a relieved breath. A warm hand touched his stomach without causing any damage and he closed his eyes when the stress subsided a bit.

A low rumble came from deep within Ajax' chest and Caden cautiously glanced at him to assess the situation. The lion didn't seem to be as fierce as before but Caden wouldn't push his luck and simply didn't move.

He flinched when Ajax rubbed his forehead against his cheek. It was a gesture he hadn't expected in the least and it took him a moment to overcome the shock. Though then he didn't hesitate to purr in appreciation, drawing a chuckle out of the lion.

When the alpha male rose from the ground he waited for a few seconds, unsure if he was allowed to move. Carefully he got up and shook out his fur before hastily catching up with Ajax who calmly walked away. He didn't know why he followed him but it felt right.

Quietly he snuck closer until he could lick Ajax' hand. The fingers casually ran up to his ears and scratched there and Caden purred contently.

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