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"She was a circus animal for some time so she knows how to put on a big show," Ajax explained when Caden refused to enter the house. It felt like he wouldn't get out of there alive.

"So what?" Caden hissed stiffly however he immediately felt sorry for being a jerk. "Look, I'm so damn nervous. And she saw us" He blushed profusely. "making out, that's so embarrassing!"

"I can tell her that I molested you," Ajax offered nonchalantly and the redness on Caden's cheeks deepened even more.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he declined cautiously and bit his bottom lip in thought. He really didn't want to go inside and see that woman again. What if she made some comments in front of the others?

Without warning, Ajax hoisted him up and strutted inside whereupon Caden squirmed in his hold to get away.

"Isn't it too early to carry your bride over the threshold?" Aunt Helen asked and Caden froze mortified. He wanted the ground to swallow him up right now but instead his instincts kicked in and he chirped into the crook of Ajax' neck.

The lion rubbed his back soothingly and set him down though Caden refused to give up his hiding place. The scent of several lions assaulted his senses and panic made his throat constrict painfully tight while his skin prickled in preparation for the shift. They would chase him mercilessly until he either lay defencelessly on his back or was far away from their territory.

"What's up with him?" the same voice asked confused and as soon as he felt the weight of an unfamiliar hand on his shoulder he whirled around, fangs bared and a warning hiss directed at the woman who was wise enough to not touch him again.

"You scared him," Ajax deadpanned and tugged the cougar along to the kitchen where his mother and Kaliska added the final touches to the food and slapped any stray fingers that ventured too close.

"Hello," Robin greeted them with a smile while he rubbed his hand which Kaliska had fended off successfully with a fork.

Ajax nodded at his brother and father and went over to his mother to hug her. As expected she looked immaculate in a dark green skirt - Caden was pretty sure the color was called teal - and a white blouse with black shoes that had insanely high heels. This time her fairly short hair was only slightly curled and he thought that it made her look a lot less stern than the ponytail he had seen on her during their first encounter.

Her hair style didn't save him from a panic attack when she came over to him.

Honestly, he expected everything. That she slapped him or even clawed at his face or that she accused him of turning her son into a special bee. He didn't expect her to hug him however that was exactly what she did. It felt weird as fuck and he had no clue what to do so he just stood there dumbly and prayed for it to be over.

"I'm glad you're here, Caden," she said friendly before winking at him. "I didn't think Ajax would let you leave his den so soon."

Caden blushed and looked to said man for help who rolled his eyes at his mother's back. "I'm not as barbaric as you think."

"Of course you're not," his mother reassured him tauntingly and went back to the baking tray she had been working on, shooing her husband away in the process.

"Not barbaric?" Aunt Helen scoffed and plopped down on a chair. "He practically humped that cougar outside."

"And you never did that with Uncle Philip. You were too modest for something like that, weren't you?" Ajax' father butted in ironically and the woman waved his remark aside.

"That's not the same."

"Why? Because he's male?" Ajax inquired sharply and took a step closer to Caden, no doubt to protect him if things got out of hand.

Everyone was quiet, even Robin halted his attempts at stealing the artfully arranged snacks.

Seconds ticked by without anyone daring to move an inch.

"Of course not. But I had met his parents before we did anything serious," Aunt Helen said with a shrug of her bony shoulders and the whole room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Caden abstained from telling her that they had done things that were more serious than what she had interrupted earlier. When he looked at Ajax he knew that the lion had thought the same and a small smile spread out on his face.

Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad.

Although he offered his help, Jade banned him from the kitchen so he could 'snuggle a bit more' until the guests arrived. Confused he let Ajax tug him along into the living room and then - under the watchful gaze of Aunt Helen - onto the lion's lap. The following silence was so damn awkward he thought he might melt into a puddle of nervousness.

Pan who carelessly burst through the front door, put a stop to their silent staring match and plopped down on the sofa - somehow he managed to still look elegant in doing so - after he had waved in greeting at the others in the kitchen.

"You look good," he complimented after inspecting Caden thoroughly.

"Thanks," Caden mumbled and resisted the need to pluck at the hem of the sweater. Thankfully the fabric smelled by now more like Ajax.

"You should stop only thinking about clothes and search for a partner, Pan," Aunt Helen chided. "Even Ajax found someone."

"That sounds like you didn't think he would ever find someone," Pan remarked with a glance at the alpha male who was currently occupied with rubbing his cheek against his cougars back.

"But I hoped," she defended herself stubbornly. "Now it's your turn."

Pan looked like he already regretted coming here at all, a feeling Caden understood perfectly.

"I won't discuss my love life with you."

"Or the lack of it," Aunt Helen tacked on with a smug smile and Pan groaned annoyed.

Caden purred quietly when Ajax wrapped his arms around his waist and began to gently massage his belly. It felt surprisingly good.

"Feels good?" the lion inquired with a chuckle and Caden nodded appreciatively.

"Damn, what did you do to that grumpy ass?" Pan wanted to know with suspiciously narrowed eyes and Caden shrugged shyly.

"He's not as annoying as you," Ajax answered dryly and Pan put a hand to his chest in mock hurt.

"Everyone loves me!"

"Your imaginary friends are not 'everyone'," Ajax contradicted and Pan pouted.

The lion again looked like a photo model although Caden still thought that Ajax was more handsome. But while his lion was ruggedly handsome the other man had that classic beauty you could find in every magazine. Combined with carefully picked out clothes he was surely irresistible.

Again Caden thought that his beloved had to be very happy, and he wondered who it was because Pan had arrived alone but perhaps his partner came a little bit later like all the other pride members.

Caden leaned back against Ajax' chest and tried to relax while the peace lasted.

"Ouch!" Robin's voice could be heard from the kitchen and they both chuckled amused.

The Woods ✔On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara